Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Syrian Communist Party Backs President al-Assad's Candidacy to the Republic President's Post
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad meets with other national leaders. The country
is preparing for national elections amid the defeat of the US-backed rebels
in Homs.
May 07, 2014

Damascus, SANA, Central committee of the Syrian Communist Party affirmed the party's support to the candidacy of President Bashar al-Assad, the Regional Secretary of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party, Chairman of the National Progressive Front to the post of the Republic President, considering this as a consolidation and support to the Syrian national honorable method, highly represented by President al-Assad.

During an expanded meeting headed by the Party's General Secretary Ammar Bikdash , the Central Committee pointed out to the need for boosting all factors of Syrian national steadfastness, particularly in the social and economic fields and defending national production, developing it and responding to the interests of people and the working class.

It expressed satisfaction, as all patriotic citizens in the country, over the advance gained by the Army in confronting the terrorist gangs, backed by Zionist, Imperialist circles, appreciating the Syrian diplomacy's efforts in the face of conspiracies being hatched by hostile powers.

Mazen Eyon

Syrian citizens affrim support to presidential elections, Army against terrorism

May 07, 2014

Provinces, (SANA) The Syrian people continued Wednesday activities to show support to the army in defending the homeland against terrorism and to the presidential elections, seen by the Syrians as an opportunity for restoring security and stability to the country.

Gathering in Daraa

Citizens of Izraa in Daraa countryside staged a massive gathering in March 8th Square in the city to show support to the army in countering terrorism.

Official and popular figures participated in the gathering, which also voiced support to the presidential elections and stressed adherence to the national principles.

The participants stressed their support to the army, highlighting that Daraa will remain Syria’s shield despite the will of conspirators.

They said that the Syrians are the only side to determine the leader and future of their country, stressing the importance of reconciliations along with fighting terrorism and sedition-provoking calls.

Deputy Foreign Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad, Daraa Governor Mohammad Khaled al-Hannous, in addition to a number of al-Baath party officials and members of the parliament, participated in the event.

Solidarity Stand by Students of Damascus University, Qunaitera branch

Meanwhile, in support of the Army against terrorism and backing the coming presidential elections, students of Damascus University, Branch of al-Qunaitera, held a solidarity stand, raising the Syrian flags and placards that call for boosting national unity and rejecting any foreign intervention in Syria's domestic affairs.

Deputy Governor of al-Quneitra Mohammad Khneifis said citizens of the city are committed to practice their constitutional right and participate in the Presidential elections as these elections would be the best response to terrorism.    

March in Hama to express appreciation of martyrs

In support of the presidential elections and of the Syrian Arab Army in confronting terrorism, 200 youths from Misyaf in Hama carried out a 15-km march.

The participants, waving Syrian flags and chanting patriotic slogans, stressed their readiness to face and eradicate terrorists from all the Syrian land, voicing support to the presidential elections.

Russia welcomes reconciliation deal in Homs

May 07, 2014

Moscow, SANA, Russia welcomes reconciliation in Homs and considers this kind of process should be applied on others parts of Syria, Russian Foreign Ministry said Wednesday.

It added in a statement Russia highly evaluates efforts of mediators and hopes all sides would exert what is required to implement the terms of this local reconciliation in a best way, allowing the third big city in Syria to completely return to normal life and turn to rebuild what has been destroyed there.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said the pattern which has been agreed upon in Homs could be fit to apply in other parts of the country, affirming such practical efforts, not just talking about the dilemma of Syrians, would help ease violence and rescue hundreds of souls as well as alleviate the suffering of Syrian people.

Earlier, the first batch of gunmen has started to get out of the Old City of Homs, Governor of Homs, Talal al-Barazi  told SANA reporter Wednesday.

In a statement to SANA, al-Barazi said all necessary arrangements have been done to get the process started, adding that it is likely that the process of settlement and reconciliation will begin simultaneously with the gunmen's departure so as to have Homs city cleared of arms and gunmen.

Mazen Eyon

Army inflicts heavy losses upon terrorists , 15 abductees released in Aleppo

May 07, 2014

Provinces, (SANA) Army units launched Wednesday successful operations against the terrorists’ gatherings and hideouts in all Syrian provinces, leaving many dead and injured.

15 abducted citizens released in Aleppo

A source in Aleppo province told SANA reporter that 15 citizens, who had been abducted by the armed terrorist groups in Bustan al-Qasr in Aleppo, were released.

Terrorists’ attempt to attack Aleppo central prison thwarted

Army units eliminated a big number of terrorists in al-Ramouseh, Alleramon and the Industrial city in Sheikh Najjar in Aleppo and destroyed their weapons and ammunition.

A military source told SANA that the army units killed and injured a number of terrorists in Kafr Hamraa, Haritan, Anadan, Daret Ezza, Khan al-Assal, Handarat and al-Jandoul roundabout. Terrorists gatherings were also destroyed during the operation with all  their weapons and tools inside them.

Army units confronted armed terrorist groups’ attempt to attack Aleppo central prison, inflicting heavy losses upon the terrorists.

Army eliminates terrorists in Homs countryside

The army units inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists, killing scores of them and destroying their weaponry and ammunition.

A military source told SANA that the army repelled terrorists who tried to attack Abu al-Alaya village in Homs countryside and killed and injured a number of the assailants.

The source added that the army killed and injured many terrorists in the areas of al-Dar al-Kabera, Aydoun and Housh Hajjo in Talbeseh.

Army targets and destroys terrorists’ gatherings in Idleb

The army targeted terrorists’ gatherings in the areas of Saraqeb, Maarat all-Numa, Abu al-Dohour, Tal Salmo, al-Jib al-Ahmar, Jidraya, al-Rami and Mar’yan, killing and injuring large numbers of the terrorists.

Terrorists killed in Daraa

A military source told SANA that the army units killed and injured several terrorists in Darra al-Balad,in addition to destroying their weapons and ammunition.

Homs Governor: Reconciliation in Homs has great benefits, expands positively

May 07, 2014

Homs, (SANA) Homs Governor, Talal al-Barazi, stressed that reconciliation operations in Homs city have great benefits and they are expanding positively, adding that the operation of evacuating gunmen from the old city started today and it was carried out in a positive atmosphere.

In an interview with the Syrian Arab TV, al-Barazi pointed out that the instructions of leadership and the care of the government and the initiatives which were accomplished on the level of the local community have been positive and enhanced the spirit of reconciliation since the beginning of evacuating the civilians and some young men who turned themselves in several months ago.

Al-Barazi said that restoring the social fabric in Syria, in general, and in Homs, in particular, is among the interests and instructions of President Bashar al-Assad, adding that the reconciliation would not have succeeded anywhere without the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army in its war against terrorism.

He clarified that the files of those who turned in their weapons were settled as 25 machineguns, 17 PKCs and 9 RPG launchers were received by the authorities.

Al-Barazi pointed out that 70 people abducted by the gunmen  in various areas, including Aleppo and Lattakia were released, adding that there were 5 children and 17 women among them.

The governor  said that more than 80% of what was expected were evacuated today as 980 persons from the old city of Homs, including a small number of the injured who were admitted to hospital and the rest went in various directions.

He stressed that tomorrow afternoon the old city of Homs will be declared a secure city, and it will witness a state of stability, adding that reconstruction process will start quickly in the city.

Al-Barazi noted that journalists’ access was delayed to ensure their safety while the military engineering unity dismantle all explosives and mines, adding that all journalists interested in inspecting the neighborhoods after realizing secure atmosphere were invited.

Earlier, the first batch of gunmen has started to get out of the Old City of Homs, al-Barazi  told SANA reporter Wednesday.

The Governor announced earlier on the day that gunmen's departure from the neighborhoods of the Old City was expected to start today.

In a statement to SANA, al-Barazi said all necessary arrangements have been done to get the process started, adding that it is likely that the process of settlement and reconciliation will begin simultaneously with the gunmen's departure so as to have Homs city cleared of arms and gunmen.

Work is underway for the operation to include all neighborhoods of Homs and not just the Old City, the Governor said.

After the gunmen are out, he added, the army units will embark on searching operations to detect and dismantle explosive devices and mines and remove barricades.

H. Said /F.Allafi

President al-Assad: the State supports national reconciliations to stop bloodshed in Syria

May 07, 2014

Damascus, (SANA) President Bashar al-Assad met Wednesday a number of dignitaries from Damascus Countryside who took part in reconciliation efforts in some areas.

Talks during the meeting dealt with steps that were realized in terms of reconciliations in areas in Damascus Countryside and efforts to expand them to more areas, particularly since reconciliations produced positive effects on citizens' conditions and daily lives in the areas where they succeeded.

President al-Assad affirmed that the state supports the process of national reconciliation in all Syrian areas based on its commitment to stop bloodshed and its belief that the crisis cannot be resolved by foreign sides; rather it can only result from the efforts of Syrians alone, because Syrians are the most capable of finding solutions to their problems.

The President appreciated constructive efforts exerted by dignitaries in terms of reconciliation despite all the difficulties they face, asserting that the state's establishments seek to bolster the role of dignitaries in consolidating and expanding reconciliations.

President al-Assad added that dignitaries' efforts aren't just important in realizing reconciliations; rather they are also important in rebuilding the human being in terms of thought and action by adhering to morals and patriotic principles, and this task is harder than rebuilding what terrorism has destroyed.

For their part, the dignitaries affirmed determination to continue supporting the reconciliation process, particularly in light of the growing public awareness of their importance and their determination to overcome obstacles hindering work in this field.

H. Sabbagh/ Mazen

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