Thursday, June 19, 2014

China VP States Commitment to Zimbabwe
Republic of Zimbabwe Vice President Joice Mujuru with People's
Republic of China VP Li Yuanchao at Harare International Airport.
June 18, 2014
Tendai Mugabe Senior Reporter

China has reiterated its commitment to assist Zimbabwe financially in light of the country’s economic blueprint the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation.

ZimAsset is expected to steer economic revival in Zimbabwe over the next four years.

Speaking during a stopover at the Harare International Airport en-route to Zambia Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao said Harare and Beijing enjoyed sound political and economic relations.

“We are very proud to see your achievements and we will do our best for you realise this feat,” he said.

Last month Chinese ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Lin Lin said discussions for a financial package were already underway between the two countries.

– The Herald

China commits to funding Zim-Asset

June 19, 2014
Tendai Mugabe Senior Reporter

China has reiterated its commitment to assist financially within the purview of the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation. In a meeting with Vice President Joice Mujuru in Harare yesterday, China’s Vice President Dr Li Yuanchao said Beijing wanted to see Zimbabwe prosper.

Dr Li met VP Mujuru during a stopover at the Harare International Airport en-route to Zambia for a four-day State visit.

At the airport he met VP Mujuru, Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, Minister of State for Harare Province Miriam Chikukwa and Minister of State in the VP’s Office Sylvester Nguni.

An initial funding commitment for Zim-Asset was made by China’s Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Lin Lin last month when he said discussions for a financial package were underway.

“We are very proud to see your achievements and we will do our best for you to realise this feat,” said Dr Li.

“Our two countries enjoy very good relations, especially in terms of economic co-operation.”

Dr Li, who is also a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China, informed VP Mujuru that Beijing was preparing for President Mugabe’s visit to China later this year.

He described Zimbabwe as one of China’s best friends, adding that the CPC and Zanu-PF had a long-standing relationship dating back to the days of the liberation struggle.

Dr Li, who is leading a 21-member delegation including senior Chinese government CPC officials, said Zimbabwe was making strides on the economic front and Beijing was ready to assist in the area of training.

VP Mujuru said Zimbabwe was ready to work with China in implementing Zim-Asset.
“There is a lot that we feel China can also try to look at and work with us so that this blueprint becomes a reality because it is a programme that the generality of this country is looking forward to,” she said.

“For years since independence, we have been failing to deliver fully . . . yes we got the land, but the land has not given the full results which the Head of State and our party and his people are waiting to see.”

VP Mujuru said Zimbabwe appreciated China’s support during and after the liberation struggle.
After a brief closed session with her Chinese counterpart, VP Mujuru said Dr Li told him that a senior official would visit Zimbabwe in July.

She said detailed discussions would be held with the official pertaining to Zim-Asset funding, among other issues.

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