Friday, September 02, 2022

Despite Escalating Hostilities, Ethiopian Government Remains Committed to Achieving Peace

September 2, 2022


ADDIS ABABA – Albeit the escalating hostilities by terrorist TPLF and its continued lame excuses to impose conditions and disparage the AU-led peace process, Ethiopia is dedicated to achieving peace, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) said.

Briefing Addis Ababa-based diplomats and representatives of international organizations on current developments yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke Mekonnen said T-TPLF continued with its preconditions and demands, vacillating to accept the African Union-facilitated peace efforts apart from forcefully displacing people, killing civilians, looting and destroying property and infrastructure.

“The thugs had just re-ignited the present humanitarian situation and the government’s  continued efforts to bring the conflict to a peaceful resolution.”

Demeke pointed out that the T-TPLF has blocked humanitarian truce through hostile rhetoric, recruiting child soldiers, and engaging in public mobilization planning for yet another round of hostilities.

As the terrorist group has been blaming and demonizing the government and asserting fictitious wins, the government would continue to discharge its constitutional responsibility to safeguard the lives and livelihoods of all Ethiopians as well as defending sovereignty and territorial integrity, he asserted.

“Some groups should stop equating the government with the outlawed terrorist organization and take measures that will worsen the conflict and threaten Ethiopia’s sovereignty.”

Appreciating the efforts of the countries and humanitarian actors that tried to contribute to prevent another round of bloodshed in Ethiopia, Demeke noted that the government has been disappointed to see and endure the open conspiracy of some actors.

“Ethiopia has implemented a re-engagement strategy to reset its relations with several countries. It has registered encouraging progress.”

He, however, said some entities and sub-national elements have persisted with negative views and few have gone extra miles supporting the TPLF. “Still, others have used their media platform and personal accounts to give their support.”

According to him, the worst manifestation of hostility to the government has gone as far as supplying the TPLF with military hardware.

Talking about the renewed war by the terrorist group, Demeke said that the latest wave attacks on the Amhara and Afar areas will not be accepted and the government is committed to taking all necessary steps to prevent the T-TPLF from victimizing these communities.

The government has been taking measures against the terrorist group with utmost care to avoid civilian casualties extending alerts to protect themselves and stay away from military installations, it was learnt.

“The international community is expected to be free, balanced and objective. We called on humanitarian actors to respect principles of impartiality and independence. They should not be used by TPLF for its hostile propaganda.”

The Ethiopian Herald  2 September 2022

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