Friday, September 02, 2022

Ethiopian Teachers Association Expresses Support for AU-led Peace Talks

September 1, 2022


ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Teachers Association (ETA) has expressed its support for AU-led peace talks to end the conflict in the northern Ethiopia.

ETA President Yohannes Benti (PhD) told the media yesterday that the federal government and the Terrorist TPLF should stop the renewed war and engage actively in AU -led peace talks.

Apart from urging international community support for ending the conflict in a peaceful manner, he said adding that Ethiopia would only achieve its national development goals so long as there is an enduring peace and security.

“War by its nature is so destructive and its psychological impact on the society is intolerable as well as lasting long, thus the ongoing war should be stopped immediately.”

Due to this war, millions of people would be displaced from their homes, schools, health facilities and public property are being ravaged, besides students are made to skip classes, he noted.

He, moreover, said that in the efforts of reconstructing these damaged property, it needs huge amount of finance and labor force.

“All conflicts will be resolved through dialogue or avoided if politicians work to nurture peace-loving citizens a committed manner.”

ETA has appreciated the unilateral humanitarian ceasefire declared by the government.

The association has demanded the humanitarian aid to continue and reach in Tigray for those who in need in a proper manner.

“We must pass down peaceful and prosperous nation to the posterity, it is all fellow citizens responsibility to work on ensuring long lasting peace in Ethiopia.” ETA has 700,000 members and it was established 75 years ago.

The Ethiopian herald September 1/2022

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