Friday, September 02, 2022

Repeat the #Nomore Victory!

September 1, 2022

History has taught us that the sacrifice paid for a good cause will pay back later in a more gratifying way. One best example that can be mentioned here in fighting for a noble cause is the struggle by people against colonialists as well as those who fight for their human rights, sovereignty and the like.

As demonstrated by all human societies across the world nobody wants to be subjugated to others either through colonialism or any other form of oppressive rule. When those who want to subdue others under their unfair rule encroach against the sovereignty of others, the prey would have a noble cause to fight for and their resilience against the ill designs of the predators would give them the energy and are most of the time likely to succeed.

Our forefathers had a good cause to fight and die for. That is what our forefathers did at the Battle of Adwa. And that was also the main factor behind their outshining victory.

In the years that followed people have fought hard to maintain the noble causes of the country and fend off the enemy that affronted the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation. Among these are the struggles of Ethiopian patriots against the invading fascist Italian forces during the Second World War. The patriots fought the well-armed fascist forces with the relatively small and backward armament. They paid their lives for the sovereignty and liberty of their country. They finally succeed in routing the enemy forces.

Subsequently, the country had faced similar aggression of foreign forces allied with some local armed groups. All these threats against the nation were averted through the people’s struggle to safeguard the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity at any cost. Throughout the times one common thing that was behind the victory of the people is their allegiance to the genuine national cause.

These days too, the country has come across a serious challenge to its security and sovereignty. This calls for the concerted actions of the people both at home and abroad as this is a good national cause which is worth fighting for. Unlike in the past, people are not only expected to fight to carry the gun on the battlefield but also they must be well aware and wage the fight against the false information on the social media.

Hence, the people of the country both at home and abroad must keep in mind that they have a good cause to fight for as the terrorist TPLF has put the sovereignty and security of the nation at stake. Since the inception of the war, it has brutally attacked the northern command of the National Defense Forces which exposes the country to a grave risk of security. Furthermore, it has attacked civilians and public facilities both in Tigray and neighboring states. It is also committing almost all forms of atrocities against humans like rape, mass murder, incendiary, looting of public property, and desecration of holy places.

Essentially, in defending these serious attacks of the terrorist TPLF, Ethiopians, these days, have demonstrated a similar level of heroism as the country is under the serious threat by the terrorist sand its foreign alliances. Few months ago, Ethiopians in the Diaspora had waged a successful campaign entitled #Nomore. This campaign deserves to be remembered always for its monumental impact as a game changer.

When terrorist TPLF was fighting on the ground here at home, their enablers abroad especially in the west were striving to give them a blood lifeline. At this juncture, Ethiopians both at home and in the Diaspora were effective in exposing the plot of some corrupt officials who work for their gains rather than the bilateral relations of the countries.

In sum, now Ethiopians should follow suit and carry out a similar campaign to expose the ongoing plots against their motherland’s sovereignty. The campaign has to help the international community to realize the fact that the terrorist TPLF launched third round aggression when the Ethiopian government has been pursuing measures for peace.

The Ethiopian herald September 1/2022

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