Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Anti-Japanese War Declared by Believing in People

A Meeting of Party and Young Communist League Cadres was held in Mingyuegou, Yanji County, China, in December Juche 20 (1931). The discussion was concentrated on the problem of what form the armed struggle should take.

At the meeting, Comrade Kim Il Sung said that constantly-varying guerrilla warfare was the main form of the armed struggle which we must choose, defining the guerrilla warfare as the best form of armed struggle.

As there was no solid foundation for waging guerrilla warfare at that time, he firmly believed in the people.

He continued: We are the sons of the ruined people who have been deprived of all their state power, territory and resources. We are empty-handed and are now living in a foreign country. However, we have not hesitated to challenge the Japanese imperialists. What is it we are relying on in doing so? We have decided to start an anti-Japanese war by relying on the people. The people are the state, the people are the home front and the people are the regular army. When the war starts, the people will become soldiers and rise up.

As he had absolute trust in the people since he embarked on the road of revolution, he founded the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army, aroused all the people to the sacred war against the Japanese imperialists and finally achieved the historic cause of national liberation on August 15, Juche 34 (1945).


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