Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Strength Which Guns and Planes Were Unable to Conquer

In November Juche 22 (1933), when the anti-Japanese armed struggle was in full swing, the Japanese imperialists directed the spearhead of their offensive at the Xiaowangqing guerrilla zone, and hurled in this area over 5 000 troops.

At that time, only two guerrilla companies were defending the guerrilla zone.

Before the do-or-die fight, which meant fighting with the enemy to the last person or surrendering to them and giving up the guerrilla zone, Commander Kim Il Sung found the only way out in an all-people resistance.

One day, he had a talk with an old man. He told him that the enemy numbered thousands whereas our guerrillas numbered only one-hundredth of enemy troops.

The old man said that the civilians in the guerrilla zone would turn out in the fight.

Listening to his words, he made a firm resolve to turn the fight in defence of Xiaowangqing into a fight between the guerrillas and civilians in the zone and the enemy, not between the guerrillas and the enemy, and appealed to all the people in the zone for an all-people resistance.

In response to his appeal, all the people turned out by organization and social stratum for the preparations for the decisive battle.

The enemy attacked the guerrilla zone with the cooperation of infantry, guns and aircraft, but each time the guerrillas, together with the people, firmly defended the zone.

The battle in defence of the Xiaowangqing guerrilla zone was a model of all-people defensive battle, which achieved victory against the strong enemy by dint of the united strength of the guerrillas and the people in the zone.

Looking back upon those day, President Kim Il Sung wrote in his reminiscences With the Century as follows: The spirit of the guerrilla zone that had thrived and soared aloft like giant trees on the soil of revolutionary power, on the basis of the unbreakable will and mettle of our nation enabled us to defend every inch of Xiaowangqing with our blood, with a strength which guns and planes were unable to conquer.


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