David Sole, Michigan Green Party Senate Candidate (2006) at Camp Casey Detroit Last Aug. 24, 2005
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Media Advisory
Mon. September 4, 2006
Contact: (313) 680-5508
URL: http://www.mecawi.org
--David Sole for U.S. Senate
--Kevin Carey for State Board of Education
--Lauren Elizabeth Spencer for Michigan State University Board of Trustees
--Michael Merriweather for Wayne State University Board of Governors
--Kristen Hamel for State Representative, 1st District
--Lloyd Clarke for State Senate, 32nd District
--Kyle McBee for State Senate, 13th District
The “Stop the War Slate” formed by the Michigan Emergency Committee Against War and Injustice (MECAWI) has joined the Green Party to help make this election a protest against the U.S. war drive and especially the U.S. wars on Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan.
On Labor Day, September 4, 2006, the Stop the War Slate candidates marched in the parade on Woodward avenue in downtown Detroit. We walked alongside the striking teachers of the DFT as well as other members of organized labor in solidarity with their fight to maintain a living wage and benefits in the present economic crisis in the country.
While the majority of the people oppose the wars, the Republicans and Democrats are united in their support. In recent votes, all but a handful of representatives expressed support for the continued military occupation of Iraq and the U.S. sponsored Israeli terror against Lebanon and Palestine. Debbie Stabenow, the incumbent and Michigan Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, joined the Republicans and voted for war in each instance.
Around the country, anti-war activists are beginning to make their voices heard in the electoral process by challenging traditional pro-war candidates. Witness how Senator Lieberman, a notorious hawk and big business lackey, lost his own Democratic party’s nomination for re-election.
Support the “Stop the War Slate”, and all the Green Party candidates. David Sole, candidate for U.S. Senate, is a founder of MECAWI, an anti-war organizer for the last 40 years, as well as a UAW president with an unparalleled record of activism on every progressive struggle. David Sole delivered medicine to Iraq in 1998 to defy the U.S. sanctions. He has always supported the Palestinian struggle and stands with the Lebanese resistance in opposing the recent U.S. sponsored Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
Members of the Stop the War Slate have taken special note of recently released United States Census Bureau data that clearly illustrate the growing poverty suffered by many people here in the city of Detroit and the state of Michigan.
We want an end to both the war at home and the war abroad.
Stop the War Slate Program
STOP THE PENTAGON WAR: Immediate and unconditional U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. Bring the troops home NOW. U.S. hands off Iran, north Korea, Venezuela and Cuba. End the U.S.-financed occupations of Lebanon and Palestine. Stop domestic spying and restrictions on basic rights.
STOP THE WAR ON PEOPLE OF COLOR, WOMEN AND LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDERED PEOPLE Restore and defend affirmative action. End police brutality and racist profiling. Stop racist anti-immigrant attacks. Defend reproductive rights for women - Stop the rollback of Roe v Wade. End attacks on lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered people – full civil rights and benefits now.
STOP THE WAR ON WORKING PEOPLE (including unemployed, disabled and low income people): Free National Health Care for all. Stop price gouging by pharmaceutical companies. Free prescription drugs for seniors and low income people, including contraceptives. Quality and affordable childcare. Affordable water, gas and electric rates– no shutoffs. Increased and equal funding for quality education in all school districts. Give youth jobs and recreation programs, not jails. No union-busting. No strikebreakers. Stop plant closings and mass layoffs – a job is a right. No bankruptcy by corporations to destroy pensions, health benefits and contracts. Guaranteed job for all who are able to work. End homelessness with construction of low-income housing. Raise the minimum wage to at least $15.
STOP THE WAR ON IMMIGRANTS: No human being is “illegal.” End the harassment, deportation and exploitation of immigrant labor. Amnesty and citizenship rights for all immigrants – not criminalization. No fences at borders.
STOP THE WAR ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Stop corporate pollution of the environment. Immediate clean up of urban and rural dump sites. A statewide plan for a mass transit program that will substantially curtail the use of gasoline and diesel fuel.
http://www.mecawi.org – call 313-680-5508 for more information
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