Thursday, June 27, 2024

DA to Decide on Staying with GNU After ANC Makes Final Offer on Cabinet Positions

After three days of ructions between the ANC and the DA, Eyewitness News now understands the ANC has put a final offer on the table, which should pave the way for the formation of an executive.

JOHANNESBURG - After days of wrangling over positions, it is now up to the Democratic Alliance (DA) to decide whether it will move forward with its participation in the African National Congress (ANC)'s Government of National Unity (GNU) following a final offer of six ministries from President Cyril Ramaphosa.

The DA sent a letter to Ramaphosa recently demanding at least 12 Cabinet posts, as well as the removal of directors general in the ministries its members would occupy.

The DA had also set its eyes on the position of deputy president.

After three days of ructions between the ANC and the DA, Eyewitness News now understands the ANC has put a final offer on the table, which should pave the way for the formation of an executive.

On Wednesday night, Ramaphosa reached out to the DA, this after attempting to manage some pushback in his own camp over his decision.

It seems Ramaphosa has settled on giving the DA six portfolios, along with seven deputies, while the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) will get three, while the Patriotic Alliance (PA) and Good Party will be allocated one each.

This means 10 of the Cabinet positions to be dished out will be given to the ANC's opponents.

And while the letter that caused a stir on social media demanded a change of DGs in affected departments, it's understood that was an error and should not have even been put on the table.

Ramaphosa is expected to also brief the ANC's alliance partners before announcing his executive.

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