Saturday, June 22, 2024

ONE Campaign Calls for Accelerated Vaccine Production in Africa

By Roger A. Agana 

June 21, 2024

The ONE Campaign’s latest analysis reveals that Africa remains heavily reliant on external sources for vaccines, sourcing only 1.1% of its supply domestically.

This dependence, primarily on Asia and Europe, exposes the continent to vulnerabilities in vaccine distribution.

In response, the African Union and Africa CDC have set an ambitious target: to produce 60% of Africa’s vaccines locally by 2040. This initiative aims to enhance regional health security and mitigate the risks associated with global supply chain disruptions.

Critical Insights from the Analysis:

Nearly 99% of Africa’s vaccines are imported, highlighting urgent needs for self-sufficiency.

Africa must scale up vaccine production to 1.5 billion doses annually by 2040, marking a significant increase from current capacities.

Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, President and CEO of The ONE Campaign, emphasized the imperative of achieving vaccine sovereignty in Africa as the continent’s vaccine demand is set to rise dramatically by 2030. She called for collaborative efforts and steadfast commitments to overcome existing challenges.

France’s Commitment and Global Partnership:

ONE and collaborating NGOs urge France to support Gavi and lead international efforts to address immunization disparities.

France’s initiative to co-launch the AVMA with the African Union underscores its dedication to bolstering Africa’s health sovereignty, contingent upon robust financial backing.

The drive for vaccine sovereignty represents a pivotal stride towards equitable healthcare access in Africa, ensuring healthier futures for all communities across the continent.

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