Saturday, June 22, 2024

Ghana Falls Short on HIV Goals, Faces Uphill Battle to Secure Funding

By Roger A. Agana 

June 21, 2024

Despite efforts, Ghana has struggled to achieve its HIV reduction targets, recording a 14.8% decline in new infections over the past decade, missing its 17% target.

Dr. Kyeremeh Atuahene, Director General of the Ghana AIDS Commission, presented these findings, revealing persistent challenges in curbing the epidemic.

In 2023 alone, Ghana reported 17,774 new HIV infections and 12,480 AIDS-related deaths, underscoring gaps in prevention and treatment efforts. The country aims for a 41% reduction in new infections by 2030, aligning with global targets, but faces obstacles such as risky sexual behaviors among young people and a funding shortfall of $86 million.

With current funding from partners like PEPFAR and the Global Fund totaling $45.2 million, Ghana urgently requires additional resources to bridge the gap and sustain progress towards eliminating HIV by 2030. The situation demands intensified efforts and international support to safeguard public health and achieve ambitious health targets.

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