Saturday, June 22, 2024

Hezbollah's Operations in Support of Palestine Persist

By Al Mayadeen English

Hezbollah's rockets lit several fires in the Israeli Metulla settlement, as the Resistance continues to confront Israeli forces in support of Palestine.

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon - Hezbollah launched multiple operations against Israeli targets on Saturday, as the occupation shells Lebanese border towns with illegal weapons.

Hezbollah's fighters responded to an Israeli aggression on the border town of Meis al-Jabal by attacking a building, repurposed by Israeli occupation forces for military use, in the Menara settlement. 

Later the Resistance announced that its fighters responded to yet another attack on a Lebanese town, this time Khiam, by firing multiple shells at buildings used by occupation forces in the Metula settlement. 

As a result, multiple fires broke out in the settlement which lies on the Palestinian-Lebanese border. 

Farther east, the Resistance conducted two simultaneous attacks on Israeli occupation sites in Israeli-occupied Lebanese territories, namely the Shebaa Farms and the Kfar Chouba Hills. 

In the first attack, Resistance fighters targeted the Zibdine military site by firing unspecified "rocket weapons" at the Israeli base in the occupied Shebaa Farms. 

In the second attack, Resistance fighters attacked al-Ramtha military site in the occupied Kfar Chouba Hills. 

Both attacks were conducted at 5:15 pm (local time) on Saturday. 

On the other hand, the Israeli occupation shelled multiple Lebanese border towns, including Kfar Kila, Khiam, al-Jibine, Aalma al-Shaab, Kfar Hamam, and Houla. Both explosive shells and illegal white phosphorus munitions were used in attacks on Lebanese towns. 

Israeli warplanes also raided Kfar Kila, Ramiyah, Khalat Wardeh, and Yaroun on Saturday. 

A strike in the Western Bekaa hit a vehicle in the town of Khyara. The attack resulted in the martyrdom of Ayman Hashem Ghotma, a commander of the Islamic Group Resistance movement's Fajr Force. 

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