Monday, December 02, 2013

Calls for US Investment in Sudan Agricultural Sector


Calls for US investment in Sudan agricultural sector: report

December 1, 2013 (KHARTOUM) - The United States charge d’affaires in Khartoum Joseph D. Stafford called on American companies to invest in Sudan’s agricultural sector, according to a news report.

Stafford who was on a visit to Nahr al-Neel state, told the pro-government Ashorooq TV that he realizes the difficulties facing the two countries as a result of US sanctions imposed but stressed that Washington demonstrated goodwill in seeking to improve bilateral ties through a candid dialogue.

He underscored the vital role played by Sudan in Africa and the world and expressed confidence that Khartoum will respond positively to Washington’s overtures.

The U.S. diplomat also called on American companies to invest in Sudan’s agriculture and particularly in Nahr al-Neel state due to the special advantages it offers.

In 2010 the United States announced it was easing sanctions on agriculture equipment and services and gave six U.S. firms licenses to export to the East African nation.

Since then more U.S. companies have expressed interest in entering the Sudanese agricultural sector.

Sudan has been under US economic sanctions since 1997 and remains on the US list of state sponsors of terror. At the time, Khartoum harbored Al-Qaeda’s late chief Osama bin Laden.

After 2003 sanctions were tightened over the conflict in the Darfur region and human rights violations in other parts of the country.


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