Thursday, December 05, 2013

US-backed Somalia Intelligence Base Attacked in Mogadishu

Garowe Online (Garowe)

Somalia: Militia Attack Mogadishu Intelligence Base, Explosions Reported in Gedo


Mogadishu — Armed militia believed to be Al Shabaab members attacked Intelligence base in Mogadishu's Huriwaa district as witnesses reported two landmine explosions in El-Waq town of Gedo region, Garowe Online reports.

The gunmen Tuesday night targeted Intelligence and National Security Agency (NISA) base with anti-aircraft weapons and rocket-propelled grenades according to officials and residents said Somali Government forces engaged in firefight that lasted for nearly 30 Minutes with the attackers.

Huriwaa Commissioner Omar Abdulle Jacfan told the media that armed militia estimated to be 10 attacked the forces.

"Nearly 10 men attacked Abdi-Wayel Cinema which is a base for intelligence officers. The government forces were later reinforced and they killed two assailants and captured two others," Jacfan said.

Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab militants target Somali government officials and important structures, making Mogadishu security situation extremely volatile.

Meanwhile, two landmine explosions left 3 people including Somali government soldiers and civilians dead and seven others wounded on Tuesday evening in El-Waq town of southern Somalia.

Residents tell Garowe Online that communication lines were severed shortly after government troops launched investigations.

El-Waq district of Gedo region is located near Somalia-Kenya border and it has since been chronically unstable.

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