Tuesday, December 03, 2013

ZANU-PF to Map Out Strategies for Zim Asset

Zanu-PF to map out strategies for Zim Asset

December 3, 2013
Chinhoyi Bureau
Zimbabwe Herald

The 14th Zanu-PF National People’s Conference to be held in Chinhoyi next week will come up with strategies to operationalise the Zim-Asset economic blueprint to turnaround the economy. Speaking during a tour of the conference facilities yesterday, Zanu-PF National chairman Cde Simon Khaya Moyo said successful implementation of the economic blueprint was key to ensuring that all pledges made in the run-up to the harmonised elections were met.

“Deliberations at the People’s Conference will strengthen the party and put into perspective that the resounding victory we got sets us on a journey to delivery of the promises made,” he said.

“Politburo deliberated on the economic blueprint, Zim-Asset, which derives its authority from the party manifesto and its assiduous implementation ensures that we have very little opposition come 2018.”

The party, said Cde Khaya Moyo, would come up with strategies of growing the economy for the empowerment of the people and employment creation in line with the election theme.

He said the blueprint was the answer to the economic woes facing the country and would ensure that beneficiation, infrastructure development, social services and poverty alleviation were addressed.

On the issue of a second vice-president, Cde Khaya Moyo said the prerogative lay with President Mugabe outside the elective congress and that he would act at his pleasure in accordance with the party’s constitution.

“We are not going for an elective congress and the matter is not outstanding because we are going for a conference,” he said. “All posts are supposed to be filled, but at a congress and outside that at the discretion of the President. There is no constitution that is being violated,” he said.

Cde Khaya Moyo went around the conference venue to assess progress made so far before it was handed over to him by the provincial organising committee.

He was shown the facilities which have a carrying capacity of about 7 000 people, offices and 137 ablution facilities.

Cde Khaya Moyo expressed satisfaction with progress at the state-of-the-art collapsible conference facility which is fitted with large screens to ensure that everyone follows proceedings at the five-day event.

The conference has brought life to Chinhoyi which has seen buildings getting a facelift, while roads are being redone.

Businesses, especially food outlets, restaurants and bars are anticipating increased demand as the delegates descend on the town.

The tour of the facility was also attended by Politburo members Cdes Webster Shamu, Nicholas Goche, Ignatius Chombo, Oppah Muchinguri and David Parirenyatwa.

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