Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Zimbabwe Herald Sold Out As Readers Rush to Grab Copy of New-Look Paper

Herald sold out as readers rush to grab copy of new-look paper

December 3, 2013
Marcia Gore Herald Reporter

The new-look Herald, which is now more attractive and matches international standards, ran out in most parts of the country yesterday as people jostled to buy the newspaper. Those who had been following the build-up to the launch of the new style said they were taken by surprise as they did not expect that the paper would be of such high quality and great layout.

Herald’s vendors in Harare rushed back to office looking for more copies after they were overwhelmed with the response.

“When I saw the paper for the first time I was really worried about my sales for the day,” said Judith Kaseke a vendor in the city. “I thought many people would not like it, but to my surprise most customers hailed the new look.”

Tichaona Makwekwerere who is also a Herald vendor said at first some people were complaining that the paper was now smaller in size than the usual copy they were used to, but that did not stop them from eventually liking the new look.

“The new paper is smaller, which makes it convenient for some of us who use public transport to and from work and want to read it while travelling,” said Mr Archford Makoni.

“You can open the pages without offending the guy sitting next to you by obstructing them.”

Mr Moses Matsika and Mr George Mukumba, who are both airtime vendors, said the new look was a “masterpiece” and it reflected the commitment by Zimpapers to bring news to the people without compromising on quality.

Ms Marian Gweshe said her only worry was that the smaller size might reduce the size of her beloved columns, but the layout and colour pictures were marvellous.

Advertisers also applauded Zimpapers for coming up with the brilliant product.

NetOne public relations manager Mr Rutendo Chabururuka said the paper was “beautiful, very upmarket and modern”.

“When I first heard the news I was worried because we wanted to do a supplement and I was not sure how it would look like, but after I saw the published copies, I loved them and Zimpapers can be assured of more advertisements,” he said.

MMcellink, which deals in cellphones, had its chief executive Mr Munyaradzi Chihwai saying the improvement in The Herald’s quality would enhance their market as quality adverts would attract more readers.

A Harare lawyer, Mr Mandishona Mavhiringidze, said he loved the layout on the first page and the use of colour on all the pages.

The launch of the new-look Herald followed the acquisition of the state-of-the-art TPH Orient x-CEL printing machine by Zimpapers which is set to re-confirm the group’s dominance in the printing and publishing industry.

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