Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Stop Frustrating Investors: Zimbabwe Vice President Says
Republic of Zimbabwe Vice President Joice Mujuru.
May 5, 2014
Freeman Razemba Senior Reporter
Zimbabwe Herald

Vice President Joice Mujuru yesterday slammed senior Government officials whom she accused of frustrating foreign investors that refused to pay bribes as they sought documents to operate businesses. Officially opening the Zanu-PF Harare provincial women’s league conference, VP Mujuru also took a swipe at corrupt Ministry of Lands and Rural Resettlement officials who demanded kickbacks from aspiring farmers.

The Registrar-General’s office was not spared as the officials were blasted for demanding bribes to process passports and other documents for residents.

“President (Mugabe) makavanzwa musi weIndependence. Makavanzwa svondo rakapera vachitaura kuti huyai (investors). Varikutaura nyaya ye indigenisation.

“Vanoda kuuya kuzoita mabasa muno, kuzoita mabusiness muno huyai tinotaura nemi, asi zvakudawo zvakare good attitudes . . . mafungiro, maitiro evanofanira kunge ndivo vanogamuchira vanouya kuzoda kutanga mabasa muno.

“Anotenderedzwa murume mukuru ogotenderedzwa, nyambira zvirikudiwa ipapo chioko muhomwe. Ini handina kumbonzwa muZimbabwean akadaro — kana tichidaro tiri kuzvidzikisa kusvika pakadii?,” she asked.

VP Mujuru said most of the investors would end up going back to their countries or investing in other countries after being frustrated by some corrupt officials.

President Mugabe has warned on several platforms that he did not tolerate people who frustrated investors.

There have been reports that at least 240 land-hungry people — some of them based in the Diaspora — lost huge sums of money to a syndicate involving former Zanu-PF councillor for Mayo in Makoni District, Cde James Munetsi, who promised to assist them acquire farms and plots.

Sources say the Makoni District case was a tip of the iceberg as indications were that thousands of aspiring farmers could have fallen victim to syndicates involving Ministry of Lands and Rural Resettlement officials and politicians.

A local church, Faith in God Ministries (FIG), also fell victim to the alleged scam as it emerged that more than 200 of its members — including Pastor William Freza and his family — paid Cde Munetsi to get land.

Vice President Mujuru said she had evidence of some of the cases and said this must stop forthwith.

“Ndakanzwa imwe zvakare. Ministry of Lands ndokune huori ikoko.
“Kune huori nditori ne evidence.

“Minister (of Lands and Rural Resettlement Dr Douglas Mombeshora) atemwa nemusoro adzungaira mwana wevanhu,” she said.

She said there was need for Zimbabweans to change their behaviour and attitudes for the development of the country and for the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation to work.

VP Mujuru expressed concern over some members within the party and youths who were chasing away those that want to either join or rejoin the party from MDC.

“Vasikana ini ndanetswa nezhowezhowe neconfusion iri kuMDC.

“Varikutoti nhai VP touya sei kumusangano nokuti kwavo kune confusion,” she said.

VP Mujuru encouraged women’s league to come up with ideas to start small businesses.
“Are you aware of the Zim Asset programme and how important it is to you? The issue of Zim Asset should get into your homes,” she said.

Zanu-PF Women’s League secretary, Cde Oppah Muchinguri, applauded the Harare province for organising the conference. She urged the women’s league to continue mobilising more women to join the party.

Cde Muchinguri said there was need for women to take up leadership positions. Zanu-PF Women’s league national political commissar, Cde Olivia Muchena, also addressed the women on party ideology, mass mobilization and discipline.

Minister of State for Harare Miriam Chikukwa said the party would soon engage specialists to educate women on Zim Asset.

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