Saturday, August 22, 2020

Angola Condemns Coup in Mali

Angola Press

August 19, 2020, 21:11 GMT

Luanda, ANGOLA, August 19 - Angolan Head of State João Lourenço Wednesday in Luanda repudiated the military coup d’etat in Mali that ousted elected President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, and rejected this form of political alternation, “regardless of the reasons brought forward.” ,

In a message in his Twitter account, President João Lourenço says that he has been following with attention the latest developments in Mali, stressing that “in the 21 century, Africa should follow the example of Latin America, that has successfully managed to overcome the tragic period of the successive coup d’etats in the 1970’s”.

Mali’s elected President, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, and his Prime-minister, Boubou Cissé, were detained on Tuesday by mutinying soldiers who took them to Kati military camp, in the capital Bamako.

A few hours afterwards, the self-proclaimed National Committee for the Salvation of the People announced a “civil political transition” leading to general elections in “reasonable timeframe”

As a result, Ibrahim Keita announced on a televised statement on Tuesday dawn his resignation and those of his government and the parliament.

Meanwhile, the military mutiny that had Ibrahim Keita step down as President was widely condemned by the international community and Mali’s regional partners.

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