Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Mali Mutineers Promise New Elections After Ousting President


After Tuesday's military coup in Mali, which led to the resignation of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and dissolving of parliament, many in the international and regional community are worried about how political instability in Mali can impact West Africa. 

Calling themselves the National Committee for the People's Salvation, the mutineers say they will oversee new elections and restore stability to Mali, according to Reuters. 

After Keita's resignation, anti-government protests celebrated his ousting but allies and other countries have condemned the mutiny.

In a statement, the U.S. Department of State writes, they "strongly condemn" the mutiny and are calling for a restoration of constitutional government. 

The President of South Africa also expressed condemnation toward the mutiny, calling for an "immediate return to civilian rule," through a statement on Twitter.

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