Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Keeping the Revolution Alive

Conceived a decade ago, and now underway, is the colossal task of re-ordering our dual currency and exchange rate; eliminating excessive subsidies and undue gratuities; and comprehensively reforming salaries, a longstanding demand of workers and retirees

Author: Federation of Cuban Workers National Secretariat | internet@granma.cu

December 30, 2020 20:12:05

Conceived a decade ago, and now underway, is the colossal task of re-ordering our dual currency and exchange rate; eliminating excessive subsidies and undue gratuities; and comprehensively reforming salaries, a longstanding demand of workers and retirees.

The process is based on the updating of our economic and social model approved and reiterated during the Sixth and Seventh Party Congresses, and in other documents guiding national life. The country’s highest leadership has explained that, given its far-reaching characteristics, this is one of the most complex tasks we have faced on the economic front.

In particular, the transformation of income is a necessity that, above all, represents an opportunity for our enterprises to grow, in both the national and international realms, which should benefit everyone.

Its implementation is evidence of government concern and action regarding the stated sentiments of those who bear on their shoulders the responsibility of guaranteeing production and services. The commitment of government authorities is evident in the willingness to correct errors and clarify any doubt citizens may have.

In the current circumstances, the trade union movement has a transcendental mission that must be assumed by local branches and all workers. As has been reiterated, nothing can be considered somebody else’s job. Within our duty to organize, represent, and mobilize workers, prioritized is the responsibility to follow every step taken in the implementation of these essential transformations.

This country’s economic and financial re-ordering is being undertaken at a difficult time when, added to the present worldwide economic crisis, the increased tightening of the genocidal blockade, and the consequent decline in the availability of hard currency, is the pandemic which, beginning early in 2020, required expenditures by the state of more than 1.3 billion pesos, a fact that reconfirms the concept that our society places human beings, their lives and health, at the center of our attention, as opposed to the standard mode of operation in the world today, based on economic interests.

It must be understood that the process underway, in and of itself, will not resolve all issues. A greater level of efficiency is demanded, improved organization of work, discipline, quality, conservation, and compliance with plans regarding consumption, all on the basis of our own efforts. We are called upon to work with tenacity, high expectations and consciousness to generate goods, create wealth, and provide optimal services. Along this path, we will be

building the longed-for, necessary development of the prosperous, sustainable socialist society to which we aspire.

Also imperative is maintaining constant dialogue, expressing our solid arguments about the need to change everything that must be changed to make the country better. Confronting media campaigns attempting to distort the process is key, as well.

Workers, farmers, women, and youth play a leading role of in the production of resources that make possible the population’s wellbeing. To a significant degree, the contribution we make with our hands, commitment and sensitivity is critical to the defense and success of the Ordering Task.

Given this reality, conditions have been promoted to facilitate the ability of those working in the enterprise system, in basic sectors of the economy, to make decisions that strengthen management and fully exercise the authority that has been granted, which will allow state enterprises to reaffirm their place as the fundamental productive structure in the country’s economic development.

Non-state workers have a no less important role to play, since they are considered economic actors functioning under equal conditions. But yes, as never before, it remains imperative to recognize that individual interest cannot prevail over collective and social interests, because working to develop the nation is a must. We are motivated by the fact that Cuba is alive and well as a result of the efforts of all her children.

As a matter of principle, since the triumph of the Revolution, January 1, 1959, no one will be left unprotected and every step taken will be guided by the intention of strengthening the unity of the people and defending the social conquests we have achieved.

Upon announcing the initiation of monetary/exchange rate unification and salary reform, President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez stated, “We reiterate the significance and importance of this task, that will put the country in better condition to undertake the changes demanded by the updating of our economic and social model, on the basis of guaranteeing all Cubans the greatest equality of opportunity, rights and social justice, which will not be possible via egalitarianism, but rather by promoting interest in and motivation to work.”

Let us each make our own modest contribution, wherever we work, to ensure that this vital task is successfully implemented.

Federation of Cuban Workers National Secretariat

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