SACP Eastern Cape Province Say: "Close Ranks, Defend the Revolutionary Alliance"
23 April 2014
The South African Communist Party (SACP) in the Eastern Cape Province convened its Special Provincial Working Committee (PWC) meeting on the 22 April 2014 at SACP Provincial Offices, Bhisho. The meeting was held after the SACP in the province held successful activities in commemorating the late SACP General Secretary, Cde Thembisile Chris Hani, who was brutally assassinated by the cowardly criminals whom have shown no remorse up to this day.
The meeting was held to look into the ideological and political work done by the party and intensifying the program of the SACP in the province.
The meeting noted the open letters, some written by people within the SACP and others by people outside the party, published by neoliberal newspapers insulting the SACP and its leadership particularly Provincial Secretary Cde Xolile Nqatha. We view these as nothing but an attempt to remove our focus from our political and ideological program.
We view one open letter by "an SACP Member" from Mbuyiselo Ngwenda District (Nelson Mandela Region) as what William Shakespeare described in one of his works as thus: "it was like tale told by a fool, full of noise and fury yet signifying nothing".
These attacks disguised as an attack on the persona of Cde Xolile Nqatha are actually an attack on the SACP and its leadership collective in the Eastern Cape Province.
As the party we refused to be defocused from program towards ensuring an overwhelming victory of the African National Congress (ANC) in the May 7th general election. The SACP has taken necessary disciplinary measures as mandated by the SACP Constitution.
The SACP will and shall never co-exist with ill-discipline and anarchy; we will forever be vigilant against those who disrupt unity in the guise of calling for unity.
The meeting congratulated the Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) for convening a successful 3rd National Congress held in Mpumalanga. The CPS continues to hold its activities outside of Swaziland due to the brutal regime of the Mswati Tikundla monarchy.
The CPS working with other progressive formations should mobilize the people of Swaziland from branch level to revolt against the monarchy and its autocratic rule in favor of democratic dispensation. The people of Swaziland must call for a free and fair election which will usher in a democratic government.
We are calling upon all democratic countries in the SADC Regions to isolate the Mswati Tikundla regime and force it to release all political prisoners and unban all political organizations.
The meeting noted with great disgust the so called "Vote No Campaign" by former "revolutionaries", Ronnie Kasrils, Nozizwe Madlala – Routlege and others. We view this as nothing else but treasonous acts trying to reverse the gains we have made since our historic democratic breakthrough. This should not be viewed in isolation with the attempts by neo-liberals to high-jack our democracy and plunge South Africa into crisis. We are calling upon the people of South Africa to ignore this call by these disgruntled former "revolutionaries".
The SACP in the Eastern Cape welcomes the Project Umzimvubu Dam which will benefit millions of the people. This is an important development by the ANC led government in ensuring economic expansion through infrastructure.
The Umzimvubu Dam which is a R12.4 billion project will accelerate and stimulate social and economic upliftment of the communities in the provision of clean water.
We wish to condemn the unprincipled remarks made by the Western Cape Premier and the DA Leader, Helen Zille wherein she suggested that people from the Eastern Cape staying in the Western Cape were happy with the portable toilets in the Western Cape and were wishing to return with them to the Eastern Cape.
Such remarks prove how the person in Helen Zille and the white elite organization the Democratic Alliance will always view the African majority. They will only sing and dance with Africans when they are desperate for black votes for white power. Her statements seek to justify the inhumane and undignified portable toilets which she subjected the people to.
General Elections:
As we mark 20-years of democracy in South Africa, let us remember the important working class victories we have collectively achieved over these two decades. These include a constitution entrenching labour and socio-economic rights. Over the past 20-years of an ANC-led government, there have also been critical interventions into key industrial sectors under threat from disinvestment and cheap imports – in particular major government subsidies to the auto sector, and the Clothing and Textiles Competitiveness Programme both of which saved thousands of jobs.
These and many other working class advances have been won not only because workers in their great majority have returned an overwhelming ANC electoral victory in successive elections. These advances have been made, consolidated and defended by the ongoing unity in action of our Alliance, and by the organised workers under the umbrella of COSATU.
Over the past five years there have been further advances.
Whilst major challenges remain, we are proud of the important advances made under the fourth democratic ANC-led administration in the midst of an ongoing global capitalist crisis:
1 million more households have been connected to electricity;
A half-million solar water heaters have been installed for free in mostly poor households;
A doubling of FET college student enrolments, and a trebling of the National Students Financial Aid Scheme from R3bn to R9bn;
The consolidation of the Industrial Policy Action Plan, focusing on the critical industrialisation of our country;
Important advances in state procurement policies - ensuring that the state and SOEs progressively move to a minimum of 75% local procurement. Already these procurement policies are bearing fruit in terms of local job creation and re-industrialisation, notably in the transport sector;
A massive state-led infrastructure programme worth 1 trillion rands.
The ANC led government has as a swift response to heightening corruption established the National Anti-Corruption Hotline. The National Anti-Corruption Hotline has made some successes; some of those include the following:
1 542 officials were dismissed from the Public Service.
140 officials were fined their three month salary.
20 officials were demoted.
355 officials were given final written warnings.
204 officials were prosecuted.
The SACP is calling upon the people of South Africa to defend the gains we have made since 1994 and deepen our democracy by voting ANC. As the working class let us close ranks and defend the revolutionary alliance.
Do it for Chris Hani, Vote ANC !!
Do it for Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela, Vote ANC !!
Forward with the overwhelming victory of the ANC!!
Issued by SACP Eastern Cape.
Siyabonga Mdodi
SACP Provincial Spokesperson
Cell: 083 3588 070
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Members of the South African Communist Party. |
The South African Communist Party (SACP) in the Eastern Cape Province convened its Special Provincial Working Committee (PWC) meeting on the 22 April 2014 at SACP Provincial Offices, Bhisho. The meeting was held after the SACP in the province held successful activities in commemorating the late SACP General Secretary, Cde Thembisile Chris Hani, who was brutally assassinated by the cowardly criminals whom have shown no remorse up to this day.
The meeting was held to look into the ideological and political work done by the party and intensifying the program of the SACP in the province.
The meeting noted the open letters, some written by people within the SACP and others by people outside the party, published by neoliberal newspapers insulting the SACP and its leadership particularly Provincial Secretary Cde Xolile Nqatha. We view these as nothing but an attempt to remove our focus from our political and ideological program.
We view one open letter by "an SACP Member" from Mbuyiselo Ngwenda District (Nelson Mandela Region) as what William Shakespeare described in one of his works as thus: "it was like tale told by a fool, full of noise and fury yet signifying nothing".
These attacks disguised as an attack on the persona of Cde Xolile Nqatha are actually an attack on the SACP and its leadership collective in the Eastern Cape Province.
As the party we refused to be defocused from program towards ensuring an overwhelming victory of the African National Congress (ANC) in the May 7th general election. The SACP has taken necessary disciplinary measures as mandated by the SACP Constitution.
The SACP will and shall never co-exist with ill-discipline and anarchy; we will forever be vigilant against those who disrupt unity in the guise of calling for unity.
The meeting congratulated the Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) for convening a successful 3rd National Congress held in Mpumalanga. The CPS continues to hold its activities outside of Swaziland due to the brutal regime of the Mswati Tikundla monarchy.
The CPS working with other progressive formations should mobilize the people of Swaziland from branch level to revolt against the monarchy and its autocratic rule in favor of democratic dispensation. The people of Swaziland must call for a free and fair election which will usher in a democratic government.
We are calling upon all democratic countries in the SADC Regions to isolate the Mswati Tikundla regime and force it to release all political prisoners and unban all political organizations.
The meeting noted with great disgust the so called "Vote No Campaign" by former "revolutionaries", Ronnie Kasrils, Nozizwe Madlala – Routlege and others. We view this as nothing else but treasonous acts trying to reverse the gains we have made since our historic democratic breakthrough. This should not be viewed in isolation with the attempts by neo-liberals to high-jack our democracy and plunge South Africa into crisis. We are calling upon the people of South Africa to ignore this call by these disgruntled former "revolutionaries".
The SACP in the Eastern Cape welcomes the Project Umzimvubu Dam which will benefit millions of the people. This is an important development by the ANC led government in ensuring economic expansion through infrastructure.
The Umzimvubu Dam which is a R12.4 billion project will accelerate and stimulate social and economic upliftment of the communities in the provision of clean water.
We wish to condemn the unprincipled remarks made by the Western Cape Premier and the DA Leader, Helen Zille wherein she suggested that people from the Eastern Cape staying in the Western Cape were happy with the portable toilets in the Western Cape and were wishing to return with them to the Eastern Cape.
Such remarks prove how the person in Helen Zille and the white elite organization the Democratic Alliance will always view the African majority. They will only sing and dance with Africans when they are desperate for black votes for white power. Her statements seek to justify the inhumane and undignified portable toilets which she subjected the people to.
General Elections:
As we mark 20-years of democracy in South Africa, let us remember the important working class victories we have collectively achieved over these two decades. These include a constitution entrenching labour and socio-economic rights. Over the past 20-years of an ANC-led government, there have also been critical interventions into key industrial sectors under threat from disinvestment and cheap imports – in particular major government subsidies to the auto sector, and the Clothing and Textiles Competitiveness Programme both of which saved thousands of jobs.
These and many other working class advances have been won not only because workers in their great majority have returned an overwhelming ANC electoral victory in successive elections. These advances have been made, consolidated and defended by the ongoing unity in action of our Alliance, and by the organised workers under the umbrella of COSATU.
Over the past five years there have been further advances.
Whilst major challenges remain, we are proud of the important advances made under the fourth democratic ANC-led administration in the midst of an ongoing global capitalist crisis:
1 million more households have been connected to electricity;
A half-million solar water heaters have been installed for free in mostly poor households;
A doubling of FET college student enrolments, and a trebling of the National Students Financial Aid Scheme from R3bn to R9bn;
The consolidation of the Industrial Policy Action Plan, focusing on the critical industrialisation of our country;
Important advances in state procurement policies - ensuring that the state and SOEs progressively move to a minimum of 75% local procurement. Already these procurement policies are bearing fruit in terms of local job creation and re-industrialisation, notably in the transport sector;
A massive state-led infrastructure programme worth 1 trillion rands.
The ANC led government has as a swift response to heightening corruption established the National Anti-Corruption Hotline. The National Anti-Corruption Hotline has made some successes; some of those include the following:
1 542 officials were dismissed from the Public Service.
140 officials were fined their three month salary.
20 officials were demoted.
355 officials were given final written warnings.
204 officials were prosecuted.
The SACP is calling upon the people of South Africa to defend the gains we have made since 1994 and deepen our democracy by voting ANC. As the working class let us close ranks and defend the revolutionary alliance.
Do it for Chris Hani, Vote ANC !!
Do it for Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela, Vote ANC !!
Forward with the overwhelming victory of the ANC!!
Issued by SACP Eastern Cape.
Siyabonga Mdodi
SACP Provincial Spokesperson
Cell: 083 3588 070
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