Saturday, August 15, 2020

Zimbabwe Government Responds to Catholic Bishops Conference Claims

15 AUG, 2020 - 06:08  

Herald Reporter

Government has taken note of a Pastoral Letter of the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference which curiously opens with a eulogy to an American politician and purports to speak to the current situation in Zimbabwe, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Mr Nick Mangwana said.

In a statement he said; “Government reiterates that Zimbabwe, like most countries in the world is currently grappling with challenges attendant to illegal sanctions, drought and the Coronavirus pandemic. There is no ‘crisis’, political or otherwise. It is unfortunate that the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishop’s Conference has evidently joined the bandwagon of individuals and entities seeking to manufacture ‘crises’ in the country with the sole aim of achieving known political goals.

“To this end, the grouping deliberately ignores the following facts; President Mnangagwa and Government have demonstrated serious commitment to dealing with corruption through the setting up of the Special Anti-Corruption Unit (SACU) and re-empowering of the Zimbabwe Anti-corruption Commission (ZACC).  Several high profile arrests have been made to date and the court cases are at varying stages.

“President Mnangagwa and his Government, have since inauguration, sought to implement policies that result in a robust economy in line with Vision 2030. Indeed, one of the President’s leading targets is for Zimbabwe to be an Upper Middle Economy by 2030. It is however, mischievously misleading for the Bishops to deliberately ignore the impact of illegal sanctions on the country, in their purported assessment of problems afflicting the country. Given the forces against it, natural and man-made, domestic and foreign, Government has managed to keep the country’s economy commendably stable.

“The President has consistently been the leading voice in acknowledging, appreciating and rewarding all who contributed to the country’s liberation, including the mujibhas and chimbwidos whom the Bishops seem to have suddenly and conveniently remembered. In that vein, the President has severally met with liberation war fighters to hear their concerns and views and has not in any way neglected them, neither has Government, which continues to explore ways of improving their welfare.

“The Second Republic, led by President Mnangagwa embarked on the first phase of the Land Audit which has now been completed. Following the audit, under-utilised land will be allocated in line with Government policy. It is Government’s wish that Zimbabweans at large aspire to own land and produce for their country instead of negotiating to be farm labourers

“Government continues to engage all stakeholders in the land issue and the signing of the Global Compensation Agreement in fulfillment of the Country’s Constitution does not in any way, undermine or close the door for farm workers to negotiate with their Government on any issue. Government is a Government for all.

The Zimbabwe Government remains committed to overcoming the present challenges bedevilling the country and ensuring a prosperous and democratic Zimbabwe for all citizens in line with His Excellency President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s vision.”

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