Saturday, October 10, 2020

75 Years of Great Leadership

Today, the Korean people are significantly celebrating the 75th founding anniversary of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

President Kim Il Sung, based on the experience he gained during the unprecedented arduous anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, achieved the historic cause of Party founding on October 10, Juche 34 (1945). With the founding of the WPK, the Korean people could have their reliable vanguard detachment and militant general staff.

Over the past 75 years the WPK has led the socialist cause of Juche confidently along the road of victory, shouldering the destiny of the country and people and socialism.

Regarding the idea of believing in the people as in heaven as the political ideal, it has built the people-centred socialism whereby the masses have become true masters of the State and society and their demands for independence are fully realized.

It has provided the powerful motive force for the revolution and broken through the hardships facing the revolution by dint of its strength.

It has united the masses into a single socio-political organism by rallying them around it and encouraged them to give full play to their revolutionary enthusiasm and inexhaustible creativity and thus fulfil their responsibilities and role as the motive force for the revolution.

Today all the Korean people are thinking and acting in line with the ideas and intentions of their leader and creating a history of sea changes by dint of indomitable mental strength with the thoroughgoing spirit of safeguarding the leader and the resolute spirit of defending socialism.

The people’s trust in the Party deepened and the harmonious whole of the Party and people consolidated. Credit for this must go to the exploits of the WPK.

The history of the WPK is a proud course of having defended the gains of the revolution and built up the invincible military might to firmly guarantee the prosperity of the country by force of arms.

Under its leadership, the Korean People’s Army has been strengthened as an army that is strong in ideology in which the unified command system of the Supreme Commander is thoroughly established and which is firmly armed with the spirit of defending the Party Central Committee to the death and the spirit of defending the country, and an invincible army that is equipped with modern means of attack and defence of Korean style to destroy and annihilate at a single stroke any forces of aggression.

The WPK has also made many achievements in the fields of the economy and culture by wisely leading the cause of building the socialist power of Juche.

The Korean people have built up the material and technological foundations of the independent national economy and provided a springboard for building a powerful country by launching vigorous struggle to implement the strategic line of socialist economic construction.

According to the grand plan of the WPK, a large number of monumental structures of the era mushroomed and the foundations for socialist economic construction and for improving the people’s living standards were consolidated.

With the implementation of the Party’s line of prioritizing science and technology, outstanding scientific and technical personnel were produced, the material and technological foundations of the scientific research sector were consolidated and epochal progress was made in science and technology. The sectors of culture, including education, public health and sports, also made achievements.

It was the miracle of history that the WPK has preserved its revolutionary character and honourably safeguarded the dignity of the country, and successfully carried out daunting tasks which would be hardly possible even in ordinary days.

It has advanced such outstanding ideas and lines as the three characters for national reunification and the five-point policy for great national unity and strived hard to realize the cause of national reunification, the ardent desire of all the fellow countrymen. It has also made positive efforts to realize global independence under the ideals of independence, peace and friendship.

The history of the WPK is a history full of proud victories, which has demonstrated the justice and invincibility of the cause of the Party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

The Korean people keenly realize that the greatness of the WPK and its leadership are a science and brilliant practice.

Greeting the birthday of the WPK, they extend the highest tribute and glory to the great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il who performed immortal exploits for its founding and development, and harden their resolve to successfully achieve the cause of building a socialist power under the guidance of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.


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