Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Reports of Genocide in Mykadra, Humera Region of Ethiopia

Authorities in Amhara region say the genocide in Mykadra is meant for triggering a civil war between Ethiopians


November 10, 2020

What Ethiopian government calls “military operation against TPLF junta” which started more than a week ago is evolving to a large-scale conventional war. 

The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) which allegedly triggered it by launching severe attack on members of the Ethiopian Defense Force bases in the region is reportedly commtting genocide against Ethiopia Amhara. 

According to reports by Amhara Mass Media Agency on Tuesday, hundreds of unarmed civilians were massacred in Mykadra area which is only 30 kilometers away from Humira town, to which TPLF placed important strategic significance due to access to Sudan and Sudanse port.  

Narratives from the news sources say that the TPLF committed the genocide when it became clear that it is losing Humera to Ethiopian Defnese Forces. Some social media sources put the number of casualities in the genocide to over 500. A disturbing image purportedly showing the bodies of the victims is circulating on social media. 

TPLF did not remark on the genocide in Mykadra. When it was dominating Federal power before 2018, it was a customary security practice to shut internet and phone communication. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has adhered to that practice. He imposed a communication blackout in Tigray region since the outbreak of the clash exactly a week ago.

The new head of Amhara regional state, Agegnehu Tesahger, had a statement on Tuesday in the evening regarding the massacre in Mykada. “We are expecting that the federal government will disclose the details. TPLF force has committed a gendocie crime on ethnic Amhara residents in Mykadri,” he is quoted as saying. 

Amhara region branch of Prosperity Party issued statement confirming the news of genocide in Mykadra. It said that Prosperity Party belives that the genocide committed is something that could make perpetrators appear before the International Criminal Court [when they are captured]. The regional Branch of the party also remarked that the genocide was intended to trigger a civil war between Ethiopian People. 

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed did not remark about the latest massacre of civilians in Mykadra. But he made an implicit remark in a facebook message he wrote after the news of brokeout. “The sun is setting on the [tPLF]junta. It is living final moments before its death and it could orchestrate destruction out of desperation,” he said in his message which he wrote in Amharic and Oromo language. 

A fact finding mission sent to the war zone revealed that TPLF forces committed a horrifying massacre on Ethiopian defense forces when it launched an unexpected attack on the night of November 3. TPLF denies it claiming that the northern command of the Defense Forces shifted side to stand with the local government in Tigray – but that does not seem to be the case from reports emerging on social media and government media outlets. The revelation has outraged Ethiopians and there is a push for the perpetrators to appear before a military court when they are caught. 

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