Friday, June 07, 2024

The Final Stage is the End of Zionism: Haaretz

By Al Mayadeen English

The Israeli newspaper warns that Zionists in occupied Palestine have reached the stage of "brutishness", which is one stage before the end.

Recent internal events suggest that Zionism is on a path to demise, and unless leaders take swift action, the existential countdown has already started, Haaretz warned in its Friday op-ed.

The newspaper mentioned the "Flag March" in occupied al-Quds, which took place earlier this week and saw Israeli settlers storming the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque and violating its sanctity, attacking Palestinians and journalists, in addition to other Israelis, describing the scene as "ugly violence during the Jewish supremacy march."

The writer recalled the words of a renowned philosopher, Yeshayahu Leibowitz, and his words on the steps toward the downfall of Zionism.

Leibowitz says, "The national pride and the euphoria following the Six-Day War are temporary. They will transport us from proud and rising nationalism to extreme messianic nationalism. The third stage will be brutishness, with the final stage being the end of Zionism."

The outlet continued the report by providing evidence of "brutishness at its peak," as it described it.

A reporter for Haaretz, who was on the ground during the "Flag March", said that "the general atmosphere was one of revenge, the main symbol on the shirts was the fist of Kahana, and the popular song was the revenge song alongside 'Death to Arabs' and 'Let your village burn.'"

"The most popular minister was Itamar Ben-Gvir, and the general atmosphere was terrifying," said Nir Hasson. The newspaper said that Hasson was also attacked by the marching settlers, "who threw him to the ground and kicked him."

"The reason they attacked journalists is that there were not enough Palestinian victims; Palestinian families stayed locked in their homes," the report said.

But the Zionists in question are not few or "stray grass or any other expression from the softened vocabulary used in religious Zionism in its full Kahane manifestation," Haaretz said.

"Brutishness is no longer confined to the margins, settlements, or outposts; it has spread in all directions and frighteningly infiltrated the ranks of the Israeli army, the Knesset, and the government. Ministers and Knesset members joined the thousands who marched, and some even danced to the tune of 'revenge'," it continued.

Finally, the report sounded the alarm, warning that "If the Israeli mainstream does not act to push the extremists to the margins of society, eliminate Kahanism, and remove the malignant occupation from the body of the state, it will only be a matter of time before Israel collapses completely. The countdown has begun."

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