Friday, July 02, 2021

Global Reaction to Ethiopia’s Unilateral Ceasefire

July 2, 2021


Ethiopia has been under unfair pressure of the international community following its law enforcement operation that has been taking place in Tigray state. The main objectives of the operation have been to destroy the fighting capacity of the TPLF, bringing perpetrators to justice and more of the same.

Notwithstanding the fact that the government of Ethiopia made every effort to familiarize the international community with the facts, some organizations have been intentionally or unintentionally turning a deaf ear.

Various false accusations have been leveled against Ethiopia on the pretext of humanitarian assistance and civilian rights. In consideration of the foregoing, they were giving a hard time to the Ethiopian government and its people making use of a wide variety of disinformation that were puzzling the entire world. They do not seem to know the fact that truth always wins and trumps falsehood.

The hard fact is the government of Ethiopia is very much aware of its duties and responsibilities.

The law enforcement operation has given the kiss of life to the country. It also foiled violence and conflicts masterminded by the TPLF junta that has been turning the lives of the general public into a living hell over and over again.

After the law enforcement operation has been put in place, the country embarked on inhaling peace. Reasoning from this fact, in the present climate, the country has been enjoying peace and feeling as if a huge weight is off their shoulders.

Amidst the operation, there have been tsunamis of misinformation and disinformation.

In spite of the baseless allegations, the government has been rehabilitating the state and affected community allocating huge sum of money covering 70 percent of the humanitarian assistance. The operation did not only saved Ethiopia but obliterated the terrorist group.

Against this backdrop, on Monday, the Tigray Provisional Administration has requested the Federal Government to enact a humanitarian ceasefire in the Tigray region with the latter enacting a unilateral humanitarian the ceasefire taking a diverse range of things into account.

The statement issued by the federal government states that the Tigray Provisional Administration has requested the Federal Government to enact a humanitarian ceasefire in the Tigray region. The provisional administration’s request came after due consideration of the needs on the ground and following the consultations with academics, business community and religious leaders and elders from the Region.

The Federal government understands that the people of Tigray, especially those in the rural areas, have suffered greatly. Battling desert locust, the COVID19 pandemics, the displacement and interruption of farming activities due to the criminal clique’s instigation of violent conflict have left many in the region exposed to untold suffering. Thus, the Federal government believes that the current challenge in the Tigray Region needs to be addressed expeditiously given the risk of humanitarian crisis confronting our people.

The Federal government has decided to do so with the conviction that this measure will help ensure better humanitarian access and strengthen the effort to rehabilitate and rebuild the Tigray region.

Following the ceasefire, a number of print and electronic media outlets of the world have been reporting the unvarnished truth. Most of them have been expressing their opinions in a number of different ways.

Regarding the unilateral ceasefire, as learned from South China Morning Post, China has welcomed the ceasefire. China’s Foreign Ministry said the decision would “ensure the normal operation of farming and humanitarian relief work there.

“We sincerely hope that people in the Tigray region and the rest of Ethiopia will enjoy peace and stability and achieve development and prosperity,” Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Tuesday. We believe that Ethiopia has the wisdom and capability to properly handle its internal affairs.

China and Russia opposed formal discussion of the issue at the UN body. China considers the war an internal affair that Ethiopia can resolve on its own or with the help of mediation efforts at the African Union.

Accordingly, the U.S. Department of State called the ceasefire as a positive step to normalizing situations in Tigray.

In a press statement the Department issued in connection with the announcement, it said that the truce would also have a role in ending hostilities and ensuring unhindered humanitarian access to people affected by the current situations in Tigray.

The press statement further urged the parties to adhere strictly to international humanitarian law and ensure independent mechanisms for accountability for human rights violations and abuses.

“The United States stands ready to work with the Ethiopian government and other international partners to expedite the delivery of life-saving food assistance.”

In its Twitter post last Monday, the British Embassy in Addis Ababa said that the United Kingdom welcomes the Government of Ethiopia’s announcement of a unilateral humanitarian ceasefire in Tigray.

By the same token, the Chinese government expressed support for Ethiopia’s declaration of truce.

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated that his country acknowledges Ethiopia’s long-standing culture of handling internal problems by its own means and capacity.

China also expressed its recognition that the ceasefire would facilitate unhindered humanitarian support in Tigray and enable the farmers to harvest in the approaching rainy season.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is among the friendly countries that expressed support for the Ethiopian government’s announcement.

Hence, UAE’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a press statement that highlighted the ceasefire would bring peace, stability, and prosperity to Ethiopia.

António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General twitted on the topic of the issue said, “I have just spoken with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and I am hopeful that an effective cessation of hostilities will take place in Tigray. It is essential that civilians are protected, humanitarian aid reaches the people in need and a political solution is found.

By the same token, African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat said for his part that the commission welcomes the decision. The AUC also recognizes the ceasefire is the right measure to resolve Tigray’s conflict.

The commission called for an inclusive cessation of hostilities accord to ensure enduring peace and stability in Tigray and urged all actors to work for the protection of civilians and commit unhindered humanitarian access.

Noting political settlement is the instrument to resolve the conflict, the chairperson reaffirmed the Bloc’s support to the Ethiopian government’s efforts to cease hostilities and ensure peace and stability in the country.


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