Friday, July 02, 2021


President Cyril Ramaphosa said the standard of leadership that the late former Zambian President left and his ideals would continue to live on.

FILE: President Cyril Ramaphosa paid tribute to late former Zambia President Kenneth Kaunda. Picture: GCIS

Nthakoana Ngatane 

JOHANNESBURG - President Cyril Ramaphosa has paid tribute to late former Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda – thanking him for leaving a strong Africa behind him.

He delivered a eulogy in Zambia - joining the heads of state of Angola, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe.

Multilateral organisations including the AU and the Commonwealth were also represented.

"South Africa is grateful for the support we received from Zambia and especially our leader Dr Kenneth Kaunda, we will never be able to pay the debt that we owe you. All we can say is thank you for all you have done for us to be a free people today".

He said KK, as the late statesman was known, walked among the people, saying being with young people filled him with humility, and he put his weight behind worthy causes, including HIV prevention.

"He has left a Zambia that is proud and free. He has left an Africa that is united and strong. In taking forward his legacy, let it be that Dr Kaunda's teachings on compassion, empathy and dignity are Africa’s gift to humanity".

Ramaphosa said the standard of leadership that KK left and his ideals would continue to live on.

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