Tuesday, May 07, 2013

ANC Statement on International Workers Day

Press Statements

International Workers` Day

30 April 2013

Tomorrow, 1st May 2013, South Africans will celebrate Workers’ Day, a public holiday observed since 1994. Workers’ Day celebrates and recalls the historical struggles of workers, trade unions and other progressive forces to achieve fair employment norms and standards.

The 19 years since 1994 have seen the ANC-led government enact various and far reaching legislation to promote and protect the rights of workers including amongst them the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, the Labour Relations Act, the Employment Equity Act and many more intended to realise decent and just conditions for all workers. While we salute these achievements, the African National Congress remains concerned about the debilitating effects of the global economic crisis in various sectors of our economy resulting in intolerable levels of job losses and unemployment.

We are concerned too by the residual poor conditions of many workers, most notably farmworkers particularly in the Western Cape. The on-going struggles for fair compensation within many sectors indicate the great disparities and inequalities that exist in our society. It is our hope that this Workers’ Day will provide an opportunity for all social partners to recommit themselves to confronting the challenges facing workers by embracing the envisioned outcomes of the National Development Plan to create employment and eliminate poverty.

The African National Congress calls upon workers to unite in their quest for decent jobs and employment conditions. We call upon the labour federation of the people, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), to deal decisively with the perceived or real challenges of unity within its ranks. The advancement of the National Democratic Revolution (NDR) demands a united and cohesive organised labour movement, the unity of COSATU is thus in the interests of the NDR, the ANC and the Mass Democratic Movement at large.

Issued by:
Jackson Mthembu
National Spokesperson
African National Congress

Keith Khoza: 082 823 9672
Khusela Sangoni-Khawe: 079 510 5408

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