Thursday, February 10, 2022

Oromo Liberation Front Armed Wing Continues Carnage in Wollega

February 8, 2022

Ruling Prosperity Party Authorities in Oromo region say officials who cooperated with Oromo Liberation Front will be investigated


Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government this week has been claiming that it destroyed military training facilities of the radical ethnic Oromo nationalist party armed wing – Shane. 

From trends in the past three years, government claims of strong military action against Shane comes at a time when the radical nationalist group undertakes massacre against innocent civilians, mostly farming community members from Amhara ethnicity. 

This news story is not different. 

Citizen reports of fresh attacks against ethnic Amhara civilians communities in the Wollega region of Ethiopia are emerging. Well over 100 civilians might have been massacred. 

It happened in Gidami district of Wollega earlier this week. 

The regional state in the Oromo region , where the periodic but ceaseless massacre takes place against Ethiopians, is claiming that it is investigating details of the level of damage in the Wollega.

As was the case in the past, there appears to be involvement of government officials in some form in the latest OLF – Shane massacre against civilians.  

Amhara Media Corporation (AMC) cited Oromia region Prosperity Party Office public relation office head, Getachew Gabissa, who confirmed that there had been “extensive damage in Qelem Wollega, west and east wollega zones.”

Mr. Getachew added, based on AMC report, government officials who are believed to have connection with the terrorist group (Oromo Liberation Front – Shane) will be investigated and held responsible in accordance with the law. 

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government has lost significant support due to his inability to protect civilians from continued military attack by OLF radical groups. 

Over the weekend, Ethiopian activists took to social media to criticise lack of action on the part of the federal government in the Afar region of Ethiopia too when the TPLF is undertaking a mechanised military attack in parts of the Afar region. 

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