Thursday, September 10, 2020

DPRK Demonstrates Its Dignified Prestige as a Country of Independence

The DPRK is a socialist State of Juche which has demonstrated its dignified prestige by dint of independence.

It has formulated all its lines and policies in keeping with the actual situation of the country and its own independent view and always adhered to the stand of independence in the nation-building and its activities.

It has put forward the basic line of socialist economic construction on giving priority to the growth of heavy industry in parallel with the development of light industry and agriculture, the line of three revolutions—ideological, technological and cultural, and the policies of making all the people well versed in science and technology and making the national economy Juche-oriented, modern, IT-based and scientific in the annals of the developing revolution. All of them represented the independent stand of the DPRK which has solved all problems in favour of the Korean revolution and in conformity with its actual conditions.

The DPRK has promoted the revolution and construction in keeping with its people’s aspirations and demands, holding fast to the staunch anti-imperialist and class stand and the principle of socialism without any slightest vacillation even in the face of pressure, interference, threats and underhand plots of the imperialists.

In the 1950s, some countries put pressure on the DPRK to join the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), trumpeting about an integrated economy, but the DPRK made clear its stand to build socialism in its own way.

As they were convinced that self-reliance was the only way to build up its strength and achieve national prosperity, the Korean people could accomplish the historic cause of socialist industrialization in a short period of 14 years and lay the solid foundations of the self-supporting national economy.

In the 1990s when the imperialists, availing themselves of the revival of capitalism in some socialist countries, were hell-bent on their attempt to stifle and isolate the DPRK, they firmly defended socialism under the unfurled banner of independence.

Today, the might of the DPRK, which has followed the road of victory and glory under the banner of self-reliance from one decade to the next and from one century to the next, has been increased remarkably.

It is the independent stand of the DPRK and the faith and will of the Korean people that they can never sell their dignity which they have so far defended as valuable as their own life in the hope of gorgeous transformation.

Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, in his policy speech delivered at the First Session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK held in April 12, Juche 108 (2019), said:

Whatever wind may blow and whatever challenges and difficulties may lie ahead, our Republic will, in the future, too, make no concession or compromise over the issues concerning the fundamental interests of our State and people. It will resolve everything on the strength of self-reliance and self-development, stepping up the building of a powerful socialist country in our own way and by our own efforts.


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