Friday, August 13, 2021

Ethiopians Confront Amnesty’s Latest Fake Report

August 13, 2021


ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopians living across the world have slammed Amnesty International’s recent report on Ethiopia. A twitter campaign that had over 100,000 participators on Wednesday and Thursday has vividly exposed Amnesty’s partiality and unprofessionalism.

Among the notable tweets, Ambassador Tsegaye has questioned the motive of Amnesty international as “ There is something odd about Amnesty Eastern Africa’s lopsided devotion toward ceaselessly filing charges against the gov’t of Ethiopia while absolving TPLF from brutal aggressions.”

A tweet by Daniel Kassa stated that: “ The recent outlandish report on Ethiopia by amnesty is a totally uncorroborated hearsay. The methods and sources used to collect this information are so subpar that is laughable. The timing of its release so coincides with the ending the ceasefire is telling indeed. This tweet has been share by many including former opposition figure and manager of ESAT, Neamen Zeleke.

Activist SeyoumTeshome wrote on twitter  saying: “ Stop propagating one sided information. Where were you when TPLF looted, invaded attacked children in Afar and Amhara Region?”

Abenzer Degu went on exposing corruption at Amnesty international and urge Amnesty to stop misinformation. He tweeted “The corrupted amnesty staffs Vanessa Tsehaye and Joanne Mariner downplay Afar massacre and busy on deception. On Wednesday, 3days of mourning were declared in the Afar region for victims of Afar massacre including 115 children massacred by terrorist group.

” Meanwhile Ethiopian Ambassador to the US Fistum Arega criticized international community’s inaction while it witnessed TPLF causing destruction and massacre people especially children in Ethiopians Afar and Amhara Regions. ‘International community’s silence in face of; TPLF’s criminal aggression into Amhara and Afar regions, their continuing recruitment of child soldiers and indiscriminate attack on civilian population, set new heights in hypocrisy. There can be no “human rights relativism.”

The Ethiopian Herald August 13/2021

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