Friday, August 06, 2021

Government Asserts Ethiopia’s Sovereignty to World

August 6, 2021


ADDIS ABABA-The response from the Ethiopian government for the USAID representative was productive and showed the sovereignty of the country, a communication scholar said.

Speaking to local media, Communication and Media Lecturer at Hamline University, Endalkachew HaileMichael (PhD) stated that presenting her idea in the Mandela Fellowship Summit, the USAID representative Samantha Power said that the government’s brutal campaign against the people of Tigray has put the country’s people at risk of prolonged civil war.

The USAID representative planned to meet the Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) and his advisor Gedu Andargachew; however, due to the protocol, and some other cases, the representative could not get the chance to meet both, he claimed.

The academician also highlighted that the situation attested the government’s commitment to safeguard the sovereignty of Ethiopia and does not accept any arm twisting attempts to secure humanitarian aid.

As to Endalkachew, USAID Administrator’s visit to Ethiopia aimed to force the government to accept the already framed approach in a bid to open an additional humanitarian corridor towards Tigray State. The government perfectly responded to the quest about the situation centering the truth behind the war in the northern part of the country.After the meeting with government officials, Peace Minister, Muferihat Kamil, and Dr. Lia Tadesse, Health Minister, the tone of Power was changed as the truth was vividly elucidated for her.

“The pressure from the USA is obvious even after this meeting,” he said, adding that there will be less complications because all Ethiopians extraordinarily stand together to fight the intrusion and support the government of Ethiopia. The government of Ethiopia has also suspended the access of three humanitarian aid organizations, it was learnt.

The scholar opined that the government was late for such decisions on NGOs. It is true that most terrorist TPLF leaders became rich from the aid for the people of Tigray. Because Ethiopia is poor, these countries think that, “If they pressure the government, the officials will agree.” But Ethiopia proved it wrong.

In simple terms, the government of Ethiopia has showed its sovereignty for the representative and urged the rest of the world to well comprehend what is on the ground in Ethiopia and stretch helping hands instead of being misled by the falsehood fabrication and wrong narratives the leftovers of the Junta have been producing, Endalkachew added.

The Ethiopian Herald August 6/2021

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