Sunday, August 15, 2021

Most Corporate Media Employ Lies in Tainting Ethiopia

August 15, 2021

GONDAR– Most international media companies have not demonstrated ethical and professional journalism as they have obscured the real situation in Ethiopia and principally engaged in aggrandizing the TPLF terrorist cliques move and inking Ethiopia hazy, an expert in the field said.

Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, Global Journalism Assistant Professor at University of Gondar, Menychle Meseret stated that most of the corporate media have been glorifying terrorist TPLF’s utilization of children for war which is purely against the principles of international law.

“It is evident that global powers decide what news is and what is not based on their national interests, and the international news media companies adhere to the rule and refrain from exposing the terrorist TPLF’s war crimes. Concealing issues that are not in their best interests and exaggerating what they think is best for them is the defining character of corporate media.”

As to the expert, some big media companies most often utilize anonymous sources while reporting about the federal government’s law enforcement operation in Tigray State and the current situation of Ethiopia thereby putting the credibility of their stories in doubt. They had also been serving as platforms to put pressure on the federal government to withdraw its forces from the State and declare a ceasefire.

Surprisingly, the media turned to dead silence about the federal government’s decision to a unilateral cease-fire in Tigray and withdrew its troops from the State. By the same token, the outlets said nothing about the importance of the decision as it makes their trademark accusation of the Ethiopian government unjustifiable, Menychle elaborated.

It is crystal clear that most of the corporate media presented the current situation of Ethiopia in a way that benefited and favored the terrorist TPLF.

Menychle further highlighted that global actors have deployed big media companies to enhance their sphere of influence in the same fashion they utilized other elements including humanitarian agencies, security institutions, and diplomatic organizations. “For anyone who has seen the destruction of Libya, Syria, Yemen, and others, it is easy to understand how dangerous the coordinated conspiracy of these elements is.”

Despite their loud lamentation of ‘humanitarian crises’ caused by law enforcement operation, the corporate media have remained silent about the grave displacement of citizens orchestrated by the terrorist enterprise in Gedeo, Wollega, Metekel, Ataye, and other parts of the country. Likewise, the Western media is largely indifferent to loss of lives and enormous property damage that has been caused by TPLF’s aggression of the adjacent Amhara and Afar states as it is not fit with their best interest, the academician remarked.


The Ethiopian herald August 15/2021

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