Friday, August 13, 2021

TPLF Loses Battles in Nefas Mewcha, Woldia and Sekota

August 12, 2021

Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) lost several battles in Nefas Mewucha, Gaint, Woldia and Sekota but the rebel claims that it has controlled Woldia 

Ethiopian Solder in undisclosed battle front (Photo : Ethiopian Defense Force)


Reports emerging from state media , Defense Force and social media indicate that TPLF suffered defeats in several battle fronts in South Gonder, North Wollo and Waghumera zone, Sekota area. 

North Wollo 

The Ethiopian Defense Force on Thursday said the 21st division of the army has reversed TPLF force’s effort to control Woldia city. The retreating force is engaged in the district of Gubalafto and Sanka areas. 

Getachew Reda, TPLF spokesperson, earlier claimed that his forces have controlled Woldia city, which does not appear to be the case based on information from credible sources with links to the city. However, some people left the city a few days ago after the TPLF shelled the city with heavy artillery. 

“The claim by Junta [TPLF] that it has controlled Woldia is false. It is continuing to use disseminating false propaganda as one strategy,” said the statement from the Ethiopian Defense Force. 

Sekota, Waghumra Zone 

Sekota, the capital of Waghumra zone, another place where the TPLF faced devastating defeat. Tesfaye Gebre, Deputy head of the Waghumra zone administration, told Amhara Media Corporation that the terrorist forces were defeated in a very short time and forced to retreat. 

Their plan was to control the city and loot government institutions. The militia, Amhara special forces and youth in the city joined hands to reverse the attack.

Mr. Tesfaye hailed the active participation of the youth – both in terms of provision of logistics in the battle and directly taking part  in the battle. 

He also confirmed that in Sekota people are going about their normal activities and businesses are open.

Gaint and Nefas Mewucha

The TPLF forces that headed to South Gondar with the mission to cut off the Woldia-Bahir Dar route and proceed further to north Gonder did not succeed either.

Battle near Nefas Mewcha, according to unofficial social media sources, was a blow to the TPLF terrorists; it is the Ethiopian parliament that designated them as terrorists. 

The causality, although unspecified, was too heavy. After losing a considerable portion of its forces, the only option was to escape from the region. However, TPLF forces will be facing a problem of getting a corridor to get out from the South Gondar region. If it is retreating further, it will be in North Wollo where it suffered several defeats. 

The Eastern Front 

On the Eastern Front, the TPLF plan to control the route to Djibouti miserably failed. US based propaganda machines of the TPLF, Tigray Media House, indirectly admitted the disastrous defeat in the region. 

Stalin Gebreselassie, one of the key TPLF propagandists, said that the military operation in the Afar region was cancelled after people in the region declined to cooperate with their forces. 

However, the TPLF committed atrocities in the region when it shelled a health facility and school serving as a makeshift shelter for people displaced because of TPLF military military incursions.  Over 200 civilians were killed of which about 107 of them were children.

The Ethiopian government called off the unilateral humanitarian ceasefire earlier this week. People in the region fought alongside the Ethiopian Defense Force and the TPLF is said to have lost thousands of forces in the counter offensive operation. 

Ethiopian National Television showed hundreds of captured TPLF fighters. Some of them are child soldiers. 

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