Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Ethiopia: Hundreds Massacred in Fresh Attack in Qelem Wollega

July 4, 2022

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed confirmed story saying “…citizens living in Qelem Wollega, Oromia region, have been massacred” by a “retreating” radical oromo nationalist group – “Shane” 

Google Map of Ethiopia and the region. Spot showing Dembi Dollo Airport area is part of the Qelem Wolllega zone where a fresh massacre of ethnic Amharas took place on July 4,2022


Barely two weeks after more than one thousand ethnic Amhara were savagely massacred in Tole Kebebe of Gimbi district, Wollega region of Ethiopia, a new report of the massacre of civilians, mostly ethnic Amhara is emerging. 

An opposition party, Balderas, on Monday reported that at least 200 ethnic Amhara community members are massacred in Robit Gebeya, Qelem Wollega area of Ethiopia. 

The incident happened today in Mechara Lemlem Kebele, according to the source. 

The military wing of the radical ethnic Oromo nationalist, Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), which the Ethiopian government calls Shane, is behind the attack, as has been the case since Abiy Ahmed took office in 2018 following the resignation of Hailemariam Desalegn. 

The Federal government and Oromo regional government have admitted on different occasions that there have been some elements within the government structure that facilitate the massacre by cooperating with the OLF “Shane. “

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has confirmed that the massacre in Wollega has happened, and he painted it as a hallmark of the defeat of “Shane.” 

In a statement he shared on his social media page, (in Amharic and Oromo language), he said “The Shane group who is retreating as a result of attacks from security forces is attacking citizens in West Wollega while retreating. Citizens in the Qelem Wollega zone in Oromia region have been massacred.” 

Furthermore, the Prime Minister expressed condolences and said “we will follow this terrorist group to the end and eliminate it.” 

State media, including Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporate, did not give extensive coverage to the story at this point in time. 

What made news coverage is the status update from the Prime Minister. And it has become very usual for state media outlets to make his status update news contents on a regular basis. 

Ethnic Amhara living in Oromo and Benishangul Gumuz regions of Ethiopia have been targets of politically motivated massacres. Thousands, including children and women, have been killed since Abiy Ahmed became Prime Minister. 

When what the government calls “Shane” massacred thousands about a fortnight ago, Ethiopian opposition parties and Ethiopian  Human rights Commission demanded the Ethiopian government to ensure that adequate security forces are deployed to the areas where radical armed ethnic Oromo nationalist groups operate to ensure the safety and security of citizens. 

As it turns out, the massacre happened again. And the Prime Minister says the “Shane” did it when it was retreating. 

But the incident still happened in West Wollega. It is unclear as to where the “Shane” group retreated to. In fact, there had been a recurring massacre in Qelem Wollega too. 

Prime Minister Abiy did not disclose it.  Usually, he does not remark about massacres. Today, he was the first official to report about it. 

The Federal government, through the communications affairs ministry, announced soon after the attack about two weeks ago, that it is bracing for more attacks “because of the dam filling.”  

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