Thursday, July 07, 2022

Ethiopian Lawmakers to Form Committee to Investigate Massacres

wendimagegn — July 7, 2022 


ADDIS ABABA – The House of Peoples’ Representative approved a resolution presented regarding current security situation in the country and has recommended an establishment of special committee to investigate the recent brutal attacks against civilians.

In its first year sixth extraordinary meeting yesterday, the House discussed the current situation in the country and approved a resolution presented by the House Speaker.

Accordingly, the House decided to set up a special committee to investigate inhumane acts committed against innocent citizens.

Moreover, the lawmakers have pushed calls for holding accountable the perpetrators of the inhuman acts and those officials who have failed to discharge their mandate properly, The MPs also urged officials, security forces and judicial bodies to carry out their responsibilities and have insisted on the start of the rehabilitation of displaced citizens from their village apart from underlining Ethiopians’ firm unity during this difficult time more than ever.

Presenting the resolution, House Speaker Tagesse Chaffo stated that although Ethiopia is a country where many nations, nationalities, and peoples with different religions and cultures live harmoniously, the widespread divisive racial hatred that has been sown over the past 27 years has played its part in instigating violence and inhumane acts in the country.

The MPs said they agreed with the resolution on the recent inhumane practices against innocent citizens in various parts of the country. They also demanded that the detailed decisions to be implemented.

Christian Tadele, MP, said proper precautions should be taken to ensure that the perpetrators do not destroy information in advance when members of the Committee travel to the areas.

Government officials who directly or indirectly participated in the acts or had not properly discharged their duties should be brought to justice, so said another MP Yeshihasab Tsegaw.

She further emphasized that the special committee that will be set up to handle the matter must be inclusive.

MPs urged that the government should properly fulfill its primary responsibility to ensure the peace and security of citizens, added that appropriate action should be taken against government officials who have not properly discharged their responsibilities, and that the action should be transparent and made public.

It was learnt that MPs approved the resolution with majority voting in favor, one voting against, and one abstention as resolution number 10/2022.

The Ethiopian herald July 7/2022

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