Thursday, February 09, 2023

On the Road of Strengthening Revolutionary Armed Forces

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un is devoting his all heart and soul to strengthening and developing the Korean People’s Army into an invincible powerful revolutionary army.

His visit to the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division of the KPA on January 1, Juche 101 (2012) marked a turning point in strengthening and developing the KPA.

He set forth modelling the entire army on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the general task of army building, and making it an army strong in ideology and faith which is boundlessly loyal to the unified leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea as the main goal of army building so that it can firmly maintain its revolutionary character and nature.

The enlarged joint meeting of the Central Committee of the WPK and the KPA Committee of the WPK held in February 2016 under his guidance served as an important occasion that provided a new landmark in firmly establishing the unified leadership system of the WPK within the KPA and strengthening the KPA.

Thanks to his painstaking efforts dedicated to further strengthening the KPA, its politico-ideological might has been consolidated to the maximum, and uninterrupted innovations have been made in the overall military affairs of the country.

With an ennobling view that the military might of a country represents its national strength and it is only by building up its military might in all aspects that it can develop into a thriving country and defend the security and happiness of its people, Kim Jong Un continuously visited the KPA units.

Saying that he would go everywhere his soldiers were, no matter how dangerous it might be and he, Supreme Commander, existed for his soldiers, he resolutely visited a unit travelling through the rough seas. And when he inspected a post on Kkachil Peak in the frontline area, he implanted conviction in sure victory in the soldiers, saying that behind them were the roads to their home villages where their dear parents, brothers and sisters live.

When he visited soldiers under training on duty in trenches, he reminded them of the mission and duty of soldiers by saying that in wartime a soldier who is exemplary in battle is a Hero, but in peacetime a soldier who is good at training is a Hero. And as part of his effort to remarkably increase the KPA’s fighting efficiency, he personally learned in detail about the preparedness of units and sub-units for action at any time and in any unexpected situations.

The Defence Development Exhibition Self-Defence 2021 was a grand festival which demonstrated the might of the Juche-oriented defence industry and military and technological superiority of the DPRK’s revolutionary armed forces.

Kim Jong Un has led the KPA to fully demonstrate its fortitude and mettle as creators of the people’s happiness not only in building monumental structures representative of the era of the Workers’ Party but also in all fields of socialist construction.

In February last year he said at the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm:

The Party Central Committee has ordered the courageous officers and men of the KPA to present the people with a perfect, modern greenhouse farm as a gift; I firmly believe that they will carry out this order with credit by working with all the militant mettle of a revolutionary army, upholding with burning hearts the slogan “We serve the country and the people!”

Cherishing his trust in their minds, the soldier-builders performed a miraculous feat of completing the large-scale greenhouse farm in a little more than 230 days.

Today the Korean people, firmly convinced that the dignity of their country and their happiness are guaranteed as they have Kim Jong Un at the helm of the revolutionary armed forces, support his leadership faithfully.

Yang Ryon Hui


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