Thursday, June 22, 2023

House-moving Ceremonies Held in Several Rural Areas of DPRK

Happy events of house-moving took place in different farm villages in North Phyongan, Jagang, Kangwon and Ryanggang provinces.

Modern dwelling houses have been built in Soho-ri of Uiju County, Angtho-ri of Chosan County, Yaksaem-ri of Sijung County, Jangphyong-ri of Janggang County, Jiha-ri of Phangyo County, Jidang-ri of Ichon County, Ryongpho-ri of Poptong County and Samjang-ri of Taehongdan County.

Ceremonies for moving into new houses took place on the spots.

They were attended by officials of Party and power organs in the relevant provinces, builders, officials of the units involved in the construction and agricultural workers to be provided with new houses.

Speeches were made, and house licenses were given to agricultural workers.

Oath-taking speeches were made.

Officials shared delight with the owners of new houses.


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