Saturday, October 08, 2022

A Brilliant Example of Party Building in the DPRK

Chairman Kim Jong Il created a brilliant model of party building in the course of leading the Workers’ Party of Korea.

He set it as his lifelong task to strengthen the WPK into the eternal party of President Kim Il Sung, its founder, and developed it into a powerful body which is ideologically pure and organizationally integrated and acts as one, an organization which is faithful to the leader’s ideology and leadership in any conditions and environment. Under his leadership, the history of building the leader’s party started.

Kim Jong Il declared modelling the whole society on Kimilsungism as the ultimate programme of the WPK in the 1970s and advanced the line of modelling the whole party on Kimilsungism. This marked the milestone for a decisive turn in developing the Party into the leader’s party.

Under his wise leadership, the party building and activities were conducted according to the ideology, theory and method of Juche and the President’s work methods and the anti-Japanese guerrillas’ styles of work were established in the whole party.

As Kim Jong Il regarded it as the lifeline to strengthen the leader’s guidance in each period of the revolution and construction, the WPK could give fullest play to the dignity and might as the party which embodied the leader’s ideology and leadership, the seasoned and experienced political General Staff of the revolution and the promising party which carries forward the leader’s ideology and leadership generation after generation.

The history of his guidance over the party building is resplendent with the course in which he developed the WPK into an invincible party with great organizing ability and fighting efficiency.

Once, he told officials that all Party organizations should make vigorous efforts to accomplish the cause of Juche revolution by enhancing the Party’s fighting efficiency and leadership role, upholding the militant banner of “Let us thoroughly establish the revolutionary climate in the entire Party!”

He established a well-regulated system of work in the entire Party to enhance in every way possible the leadership role of the Party in all sectors of socialist construction by thoroughly applying the Juche-oriented leadership principle and method to its activities.

As a result, the WPK was developed into an invincible body which gave fullest play to the inexhaustible strength of people and carried out any gigantic and difficult tasks at any cost.

Today, it is exalting its dignity as the motherly party. Credit for it must go to his ennobling exploits.

Kim Jong Il regarded “People Are My God” as the starting point and supreme principle of the WPK’s activities and dedicated himself for the good of people throughout his life.

Under his leadership, the climate for serving the people pervaded the entire Party and the history of trust in and love and devotion for the people continued unabated. The WPK has been developed into a revolutionary, motherly party with deep roots among the people and formed a harmonious whole with them through the struggle beset with hardships and trials.

The Korean people are making vigorous efforts for the comprehensive development of socialist construction under the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, adding eternal lustre to Kim Jong Il’s exploits in Party building.

Yang Ryon Hui


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