Friday, August 09, 2024

Axis of Resistance Response to 'Israel' Inevitable, al-Houthi Says

By Al Mayadeen English

8 Aug 2024 20:16

Yemeni Ansar Allah leader Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi lauds the resilience of the Axis of Resistance as he pledges that a response to the Israeli occupation is coming.

The battle against the Israeli occupation is at its zenith in light of the recent developments that saw the Israeli occupation violating Iran and Lebanon's sovereignty to assassinate top leaders in the Axis of Resistance, Yemeni Ansar Allah leader Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badreddine al-Houthi said Thursday during his weekly speech.

Sayyed al-Houthi began by highlighting the impact of the recent Israeli attacks, particularly the assassination of Hamas Resistance movement leader Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah senior commander Fouad Shokor. "Since the heinous crime targeting the Islamic leader Ismail Haniyeh and Jihadi commander Fouad Shokor, the developments have cast a shadow over the entire situation," he stated.

He condemned the recent actions by the Israeli occupation, describing them as "crimes [that] targeted leaders of the Ummah, men who perform a distinguished role in carrying the banner of Resistance and confronting the enemies of Islam and Muslims."

Sayyed al-Houthi noted the resilience of Hamas despite the severe losses inflicted upon it, saying, "The recent developments have cast a shadow over the entire situation, and the battle is at its peak with the Israeli enemy."

He further praised Hamas for its unity in the face of adversity, emphasizing that the enemy's goal to weaken the movement's resolve had failed. "Hamas has continued its activities and maintained its cohesion. Despite the great crime, there was no sign of division, weakness, or in its stance."

The Yemeni leader also lauded the continued efforts of the al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, for their effective and coordinated response to the attacks. "The al-Qassam Brigades have continued, despite the great crime, to perform their duties as Resistance fighters with full effectiveness, complete cohesion, and high merit."

Sinwar fit to succeed martyr Haniyeh

He addressed the recent appointment of Yahya Sinwar as the successor to the martyred Ismail Haniyeh, calling him a worthy successor. "He is, God willing, a worthy successor to a worthy predecessor."

The Ansar Allah chief emphasized that the unanimous choice of Sinwar, known for his steadfastness and leadership capabilities "is in itself an important message to the Israeli enemy."

"The selection of the great leader Sinwar is a clear confirmation of the persistence in jihad, the continuation of the stance, and the steadfastness on the basic principles," he added.

Axis of Resistance response inevitable

Sayyed al-Houthi also commended Hezbollah for its high-level support operations, which included powerful and precise strikes. He affirmed the inevitability of a response to the assassination of Commander Shokor and the aggression on the southern suburbs.

"The Israeli enemy, after the dangerous escalation from its side, is in a state of great fear in every sense of the word," the Ansar Allah leader stressed. He pointed to the clear stance of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has vowed to respond to the Israeli aggression. 

"The confirmation of a response from the Islamic Republic in Iran has come from the highest leadership levels, and what has happened cannot be overlooked."

He reaffirmed that the same case was true for Yemen; "The inevitable response to the Israeli aggression that targeted the fuel tanks in Hodeidah port is a must, and it is coming, God willing," he said.

Sayyed al-Houthi clarified that the delay in response from the Axis of Resistance was a tactical decision aimed at ensuring a significant impact in light of the Israeli occupation's preparations. "The decision to respond is a collective decision across the entire axis, and within each front independently," he added.

The Yemeni support front carried out its military operations this week with 16 ballistic missiles and a drone, he revealed, highlighting that the YAF attacked two American destroyers and downed an MQ-9 UAV. He noted that the number of ships targeted by the Yemeni support front has reached 177.

He explained that "among the clear and explicit results of Yemen's support operations is the bankruptcy of the Port of Umm Rashrash, as shown by media reports from within the port, which is completely paralyzed and inactive."

After the great success and victory in preventing navigation in favor of the Israeli occupation in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Gulf of Aden, Sayyed al-Houthi added, "The range of our forces' operations has become very extensive. Most of the operations now extend towards the Indian Ocean at a distance of more than 1,000 km, and to the Mediterranean Sea and deep into occupied Palestine at more than 2,000 km."

Arab regimes, US collaborating to secure 'Israel'

Sayyed al-Houthi also accused the United States and Western powers of orchestrating the Israeli occupation's readiness, in collaboration with some Arab regimes. "The Israeli enemy knows the inevitability of the response and that there is no evading it."

"There is nothing that can divert the decision to respond, neither intimidation nor pressure," he went on to stress. He revealed ongoing diplomatic efforts, particularly from the United States, Europe, and certain Arab regimes, to contain the response. 

However, he assured that Iran remains resolute in the face of both intimidation and enticement, "as the matter touches upon the honor of the Islamic Republic by the killing of its guest in its capital."

He condemned the weak response of the Arab and Islamic world while emphasizing the continued and inevitable retaliation against the Israeli occupation.

Axis of Resistance committed to supporting Gaza

He reaffirmed the commitment of the Axis of Resistance, including groups from southern Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq, to continue their support for Gaza. He stated, "The path of support continues from southern Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq, and the matter of retaliation is inevitable, without a doubt."

He expressed deep disappointment in the overall Islamic response to the crisis, particularly condemning the statement issued by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). He went on to criticize the OIC’s statement, asserting, "A small charity or institution could issue a better statement than what was released by the OIC regarding the criminal assassinations."

Al-Houthi also called out several Arab regimes for their continued cooperation with the Israeli regime, suggesting that, at a minimum, they should halt such collaborations, noting that four Arab regimes are heavily involved with the occupation, as are some Islamic countries.

He harshly criticized those who remained silent in the face of these crimes, pointing out the hypocrisy of those who reacted strongly to minor incidents involving figures like former US President Donald Trump. "Those who were sympathetic to Trump's minor injuries have not even issued statements condemning the crime of targeting a major Islamic leader," Sayyed al-Houthi noted.

Complicity in pro-Israeli propaganda

The Ansar Allah leader also lamented that some Arab regimes continue to label Palestinian factions, including the al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas, the al-Quds Brigades, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, as terrorist organizations.

Meanwhile, he underlined, "The heinous crimes of genocide committed by the Israeli enemy do not, in the eyes of some Arab regimes, warrant being labeled as criminal or terrorist, despite their brutality."

Sayyed al-Houthi went further, accusing certain Arab regimes of actively supporting the occupation through their media outlets. "With their cold and rigid stance, some Arab regimes are using their media to support the Israeli enemy, acting as a clear and blatant backing for the enemy," he said.

"It is a great honor for the Axis of al-Quds and Resistance to support the Palestinian people, and it is a duty upon the entire Ummah (Islamic World)," Sayyed al-Houthi declared. The Yemeni leader warned that some Arab regimes are aligned with the enemy, providing support on various levels, including "at the media, political, and popular levels."

"There should be constant reminders and mobilization of the Ummah to take a stance on the great injustice suffered by the Palestinian people and the ongoing tragedy." 

Sayyed Al-Houthi stressed that the responsibility for the Palestinian tragedy cannot be ignored or dismissed. "The responsibility towards the tragedy of the Palestinian people cannot be ignored, and negligence in this matter cannot be excused by indifference," he emphasized.

He warned of the dangerous consequences of ignoring the Palestinian plight. "The neglect and disregard for the Palestinian tragedy is a noticeable phenomenon in most nations and regimes, and it has serious consequences." He also called for continued campaigns to raise awareness and mobilize support for the Palestinian cause, stressing that as the tragedy grows, so too should the efforts to support it.

Unbowed Palestinian Resistance

"The resilience, steadfastness, and patience of the dear Resistance fighters in Gaza serves as a school for the entire Islamic World, an example for all Muslims, and indeed for the whole world," al-Houthi said.

"Woe to those who have betrayed the Mujahideen in Gaza and conspired against them; woe to all the schemers and backstabbers who provide the enemy with service through their media, money, and positions," he declared.

Al-Houthi highlighted the ongoing struggle of Palestinian factions like the al-Qassam Brigades and the al-Quds Brigades, among others, who continue to fight despite ten months of aggression and siege.

"The resilience, bravery, and great patience of the Resistance fighters will have the outcome promised by God, which is victory," al-Houthi affirmed.

He also commended the people of Gaza for their unwavering support, despite extreme poverty and suffering, noting that they have not allowed the Israeli enemy or its agents to infiltrate or exploit them despite hunger, poverty, and severe suffering.

Finally, al-Houthi emphasized that the patience of the Palestinian people and the fighters in Gaza deserve commendation and support by all available means. "The patience of the Palestinian people and the Resistance fighters in Gaza is worthy of praise and support by all means," he concluded.

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