Saturday, March 15, 2025

Statement by the South African Communist Party Condemning Israeli Aggression, and the SACP Calls for Promotion of Unity in Syria 

Condemning Israeli Aggression and Promoting Unity in Syria

26 February 2025

The South African Communist Party (SACP) reiterates its strong condemnation of the apartheid Israeli settler regime’s ongoing aggression towards Syria and its manoeuvres to undermine the country’s territorial integrity. We vehemently oppose the expansionist actions of the Israeli regime, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, especially concerning the Quneitra region, where local communities face threats, displacement and ethnic divisions. This behaviour is indicative of a broader Zionist agenda aimed at destabilising Syria and exerting control over its future, all while disregarding its sovereignty and territorial rights.

The SACP is very concerned about the current Syrian government’s silence in response to ongoing provocations that aim to create sectarian discord and undermine the unity of the Syrian people. Netanyahu’s remarks, which frame Israel as the supposed “protector” of specific Syrian communities – especially the Druze – are a cynical move designed to stir regional tensions and deepen divisions within Syria. This intentional portrayal of Israel as a benefactor is an insult to the resilience and unity of the Syrian people, particularly in the southern regions of Suwayda, Daraa and Quneitra, where communities have long stood firm against external efforts to fragment the nation.

The SACP further notes with concern the banning of the former Ba’ath administration and other key organisations, such as the Unified Syrian Communist Party, and denounces their exclusion from the current Syrian National Dialogue. Achieving genuine and lasting peace in Syria will be impossible if the voices of these significant organisations are disregarded. This exclusion weakens the dialogue and further divides Syria’s political landscape. For the peace process to be truly effective, it must encompass all segments of Syrian society – spanning the left to the right – and reflect the rich diversity that characterises the Syrian people.

The SACP stands firmly in solidarity with the Syrian people and calls for the emergence of a civil, democratic and unified Syria. We call on all Syrians to remain steadfast against imperialist pursuits, to reject the forces of division and to unite against the Zionist entity’s destabilising efforts. We urge the Syrian government to take immediate and resolute action to defend its sovereignty and to prioritise the defeat of foreign aggression over internal divisions and to champion the principles of social justice, equality and peace for all its citizens, irrespective of sect or background.

Issued by the South African Communist Party,

Founded in 1921 as the Communist Party of South Africa.

Media, Communications & Information Department | MCID

Dr Alex Mohubetswane Mashilo, Central Committee Member

National Spokesperson & Political Bureau Secretary for Policy and Research


Hlengiwe Nkonyane

Media Liaison Officer & Digital Platforms Manager

Mobile: +27 66 473 4819


Office: +2711 339 3621/2


Facebook Page: South African Communist Party

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