Friday, March 08, 2024

Sayyed al-Houthi: US Dropping Negligible Aid, Tons of Bombs on Gaza

By Al Mayadeen English

7 Mar 2024 17:35

Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi discusses the latest regional developments and highlights the crucial role of supporting fronts in aiding Gaza.

The US provides tons of weapons to kill Palestinians in Gaza, while it attempts to deceive the public by sending negligible amounts of aid to the Strip via airdrops, the leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said during his weekly address on Thursday. 

Sayyed al-Houthi emphasized that the US is impeding "the delivery of aid through land and sea routes and airports to the Gaza Strip."

"The US bears shame and disgrace, playing a primary role in the [Israeli] crimes against the Palestinians in Gaza. [The situation] is disgraceful for the international community [which] turns a blind eye to these crimes," the leader of the movement emphasized on Thursday.

US, 'Israel' hold no goodwill

Sayyed al-Houthi pointed to the ongoing fierce confrontations launched by the Palestinian Resistance against Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip, saying that "the enemy faces a morale breakdown" experienced by its troops in Gaza, as the command fails to "achieve its goals, including retrieving captives and eliminating the Resistance."

The leader of the Yemeni Resistance said that the US and "Israel" attempt to "exploit a temporary ceasefire during Ramadan to bypass a complete cessation of [the] aggression [on the Gaza Strip]."

He stressed that there is "no genuine or peaceful" policy that Americans or Israelis employ in their relations with any Arab country, adding that the US-Israeli-Western agendas aim to "control nations" via normalization processes.

On that point, Sayyed al-Houthi said that the Islamic position from the Israeli and US aggressions "remains weak" as decision-makers limit their actions to statements without pursuing any practical steps, even when it comes to their view of the operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) in support of the Gaza Strip.

Supporting fronts further Palestine's interests

The leader of Ansar Allah also discussed the significant role that supporting fronts from the Axis of Resistance have played in the past few months. 

He highlighted the operations of the YAF and the popular support of the Palestinian Resistance, which was expressed by the Yemeni people. Sayyed al-Houthi said that the Yemeni people, through their active mobilization for Palestine, marked the largest-ever political and military mobilization in Yemen in support of a cause. 

The Yemeni Armed Forces conducted 96 operations, using 403 ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones, targeting a total of 61 ships up to the moment of the speech, Sayyed al-Houthi highlighted. He also revealed that 32 missile and attack drone operations were launched by the YAF against Israeli targets in occupied Palestine in the same period.

He also highlighted the role of Hezbollah in Lebanon and the cations of the Palestinian Resistance, stressing that without such actions, the Israeli enemy would have "inflicted significant damage on the entire Ummah," underlining that "Hezbollah's [operations carry] quantitative, qualitative, effective, and direct engagements."

As for the role of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, Sayyed al-Houthi shed light on the fact that Iraqis continue to "target the Israeli enemy," expressing hope that the group's operations will "further escalate" in the near future.

He also underscored the crucial part that boycott campaigns play in supporting Palestine, urging people around the world to continue cutting off American and Israeli goods.  

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